Are you sure you’re competent?
I’ll bet you’ve done this. I know I have.
You’re driving along, possibly towards home or someplace else you know well.
Then, in a flash of reality, you realize that you don’t really remember the last few seconds or even minutes while driving towards your destination.
One aspect to consider in a case like this is your competency to drive.
Let me explain…
And, while I do, keep this in mind. This is the same for almost every skill you possess or want to possess.
It starts with the four levels of competency.
They go like this:
Unconscious incompetence: Likely the most dangerous, because at this level, you don’t even know what you don’t know. You may in fact be taking actions that are detrimental to your overall well-being or the desired outcome you’re looking for.
Then there’s…
Conscious incompetence: This is a very important step. You now understand and begin to realize, what you don’t know.
I had this experience while studying Kung Fu for 11 years. Once I achieved my black-belt, I was introduced to a whole new level of training. It was at that moment I realized that I was still only a beginner in the world of Kung Fu, even though I had achieved a level most wouldn’t.
It’s at this stage you can choose to take the actions you need in order to move on to the next level of your competency.
Conscious competence: Here you know you have the skill to achieve and fulfill the task at hand. However, you still need to think about what you’re doing. You’re taking steps on a conscious level to get better and better. This is a very good place to be because you’re moving forward towards your ultimate goal.
That is…
Unconscious competence: You’ve made it, so to speak. You have all the skills you require and you’re now doing the task, competently and unconsciously.
Just like my original example.
You were driving and letting your mind wander. Of course, this isn’t necessarily a good thing.
However, the reason it was achievable is because you have the skills to drive without thinking about all of the intricacies that are required. Your subconscious was at the wheel and if something happened that required your conscious attention, it would have been there instantly as well.
I’ve done several driving adventures, the latest being driving a Baja 1,000 race vehicle on the actual Baja 1,000 course. (It was truly amazing!!)
Although I had the unconscious competence to drive this crazy machine, I also switched back to a level of conscious incompetence, because driving the insane and changing terrains at high speeds stretched my experience.
Although I could drive the vehicle and the course, I wasn’t anywhere near driving at the same level of a professional in possession of unconscious competence.
It was thrilling on many levels and something I suggest you do, if that’s the sort of thing you like.
It’s important that we recognize our own levels of expertise, competence and incompetence to decide if and what we need to improve.
However, improvement requires conscious thought and in many cases training from an expert.
That’s why when it comes to affiliate marketing, I strongly suggest learning from the pros… It’ll cut years off your learning curve and can take you to instant profitability.
In fact, there’s a free three video mini-series available from of my favorite affiliate marketers.
You’ll learn a ton in just these three videos alone.
I highly recommend you check them out here: