ARE YOU SURE YOU PASS THE REDFISH TEST? Follow these 2 rules of thumb to be SEEN and LIKED by your audience

ARE YOU SURE YOU PASS THE REDFISH TEST? Follow these 2 rules of thumb to be SEEN and LIKED by your audience

All Solopreneurs want more clients,

but the desire itself isn’t enough IN BUSINESS.

The sad truth is that no one in their right mind would gladly hire a professional, let alone pay him well.

If you think about it as an experience, it has nothing to do with the pleasure of going to the beach, the spa or traveling around the world.

That's it!

However, since some needs exist,

there is also a market for your service,

and people decide 'reluctantly' to open their wallets,

under certain circumstances.

BUT it is precisely in the moment the customer you would like is called to decide, that in his organism the automatic production of some chemical molecules is unleashed, consequently many things happen of which if you are not an expert, you are usually completely in the dark.

In these cases, the instinctive part of the brain that reacts without thinking to avoid blundering is deactivated, therefore peripheral structures that have to do with fears are activated.

And attracting fearful people to you isn't the funniest thing in the world.

The first test you are required to pass if you want to be seen is the goldfish test.

While they unglue the feed in the various social networks, you have a few seconds before being skipped to read the last hour of the gossip news.

The curious thing is that you are inclined to think that you should be given attention when it must be earned, too (like everything else in business).

The problem is that evolution hasn't been a thing for a day.

And until you turn on the high beams,

any problem you can solve,

however admirably,

you end up knowing only you and a couple of friends and / or colleagues.

(You will have realized that I am not a fan of futile toppings, since they do not need my customers to grow, so I save them for you too).

Instead of going on weird journeys with your mind, pay attention to 2 things you can do right now to start being relevant in your industry:

1. Connect with people who respect your values and build relationships of TRUST

Relationships with people cannot be improvised and directly affect your ability to influence the market share in which you want to work.

It is essential to have people who trust you and what you sell


Doing it consistently means learning to reach the people who are closest to your values and take an interest in their problem as if they have already paid you well for it.

No clients, no business.

2. Create results (and not excuses)

Position yourself as a coach,

taking responsibility for the results you deliver to your team (i.e., your customers in this case).

Focus on the person, instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for input,

money and success will come as a result.

Remember that people don't like automation,

turns of words or various philosophies,

instead, they are looking for authenticity, results, and coherence.

If you hadn't guessed it yet,

the most attractive ingredient of YOUR business, it is YOU.

Ps: There are already more than 70 applications for the event on September 3rd?

3 PSYCHOLOGICAL REASONS WHY YOUR DREAM CLIENTS BUY FROM YOUR COMPETITORS AND NOT YOU, from which only people who are ready to think into results will be carefully selected, secure your place in the classroom before the selections close.


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