Are you a Super Alpha? An exercise in deconstruction.

Are you a Super Alpha? An exercise in deconstruction.

Can your intelligence, knowledge, competence, drive, character and "persona" become counter-productive and make others gang up against you at a work place or group up with you?

Usually Yes and sometimes No!

Here is how it usually unravels itself.

It is a pretty rare combination when you come across someone exhibiting "all" these variables, and not just in the corporate world.

Such a professional can appear to be in possession of a pretty intimidating presence & projection, a veritable "Alpha on steroids" aptly dubbed as a "Super Alpha" and I'm not talking 26" ripping biceps here!

The nature of impressions, influence, and impact of Super Alpha's on interactions, engagements, relationships is NEVER uniform but instead aligns to contrasting ends of a broad spectrum simply because they

- are NOT part of the expected normal.

- set UNFAMILIAR standards of work performance.

- DISRUPT cultural paradigms to facilitate evolution.

- CHALLENGE the status quo,wittingly or unwittingly.

- RELEGATE nepotism & sycophancy to the back-burner.

- REINFORCE meritocratic protocols for vertical mobility & horizontal enrichment of individuals/quorums.

Such individuals are, whether publicly or behind their backs, either

- loved or loathed.

- obeyed or objected.

- respected or reviled.

- emulated or execrated.

- supported or segregated.

- appreciated or antagonized.

So why and how does this happen?

On a simpler note one would start wondering as to how such an inimitable assortment of qualities would prove to be counter - productive?

But then we live and interact in a world, where individuals of exceptional worth are a very rare entity & being average is normal.

Talking about the specific attributes in question, there are some that one's genetic make - up "prepares & primes" for performance & others that we "develop & display" for deployment. We can't challenge or change the former but we can craft & chisel the latter.

This represents the existential dichotomy of our existence. So if you are on the other / wrong side of the fence in this landscape, you find yourself frustratingly under - equipped & over-shadowed.

This precipitates

- pangs of jealousy.

- bouts of helplessness.

- episodes of insecurity.

- decrease in self-respect.

- fits of trepidation & alarm.

- erosion of self-confidence.

- visions of hazy & bleak prospects.

And this is a recipe for a melange of anxiety, apprehensions, angst and antagonism.

So when an individual or a group that finds itself visualizing/believing/experiencing such a set of emotions, which they believe can "degrade and disrupt" either their present or the future, the only logical recourse is to gang up, oppose, and malign the Super Alpha so that an individual/a broad quorum mediocrity rules the roost.

But then there is a brighter side to the enigma too. Super Alphas can elicit

- respect & rapport.

- support & synergy.

- awe & appreciation.

- evolution & excellence.

- eulogization & emulation.

- compliance & camaraderie.

And this is a script for sanity, success, surplus, & satiation.

So when an individual or a group that finds itself visualizing/believing/experiencing such a set of emotions, which they believe can "empower and enhance" either their present or the future, the only logical recourse is to team up, support, and appreciate the Super Alpha so that an individual/ a limited quorum relishes the rejuvenation.

So are you a "Super Alpha". What have your impressions & experiences been like?


Have you ever had an opportunity to work with one. What have your challenges & credits been like?



#Explore #Engage #Evolve #Excel #Transform



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About the Author:

Ruhail is a highly respected Corporate business leader, a renowned “Value Transformation Tenno” specializing in Business / Functional and Leadership "evolution, excellence and value - transformation", Sales Sensei, Operations Maestro, Strategy Wizard, “Thought Provocateur”, “Business Disruptor, “Best Selling” Author and an influential Keynote Speaker.

He comes with two decades of global as well as India based expertize in setting up, running, growing, evolving and transforming businesses, functionalities and professionals across the board...

He has worked at and with a delectable host of businesses encompassing an impressive mélange of industries, geographies and cultures globally with an accentuated focus on North American, European, Middle-Eastern, Asian and Australian Markets...

He has been consistently credited with successfully scripting & executing episodes of business, functional & leadership transformation , setting up/running/growing and evolving innovative business streams [Co’s / Verticals / SBU’s / Functions, turning around & growing unviable businesses profitably, cracking open A-list universal target spectrums, precipitating reliable, consistent and predictable revenue and profitability scenarios, synergizing technological breakthroughs and innovations with competence spectrum enhancement to make businesses “future ready”, ensuring customer delight and fidelity, authoring and aiding people success stories and mentoring businesses as well as professionals across the board to achieve evolution, excellence and transformation in their respective domains through his #Mission100Million & #ReachOutToRuhail initiatives...


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