Are you a sucker for a book?

Are you a sucker for a book?

To my left, there is a tottering pile of books threatening to bury me alive any moment.

If you're anything like me, you'll know why.

Oh, perhaps you're a little tidier. Perhaps your books go neatly onto a bookshelf, rather than swaying gently in the breeze.

But I'd wager you're a sucker for a new book, just like me. 

After all, you can always justify spending a little cash on a new book, can't you?

Reading it, on the other hand...

We have all the good intentions. But then we add another new book, and another – and they pile up.

So I started Bookaholics Anonymous. It's my free book club.

The pile of books finally swayed at me a little too menacingly. Plus, I could almost hear them whispering little guilt trips into my ears: "read me, please read me, help me fulfil my destiny... or I'm just a shredded tree..."

Sheesh, alright already.

So I started BA. For myself... but also for you.

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