Are you stuck in a less than mindset?
Clare Robinson
Founder & CEO of Clarety Coaching - Igniting Business Owners And Leaders to Unlock Clarity On The Next Phase Of Their Growth From A Place Of Deeper Purpose.
Last week I announced a new complimentary masterclass that I’ll be running this week in response to what I’m seeing and hearing both in the coaching room and around me. ?
I’m hearing things like... ?
‘How is it March already!’ ?
‘Where is this year going?’ ?
‘It’s just so busy and manic!’ ?
Alarm bells start ringing to me when I hear this as I know that a couple of things could be happening in your world right now that might mean you are not where you wanted to be this year. Things like; ?
If you are noticing any or all of these elements there is no need to fear. We all have the same brains and minds and it’s so easy to slip into ‘doing’ mode as it feels comfortable and familiar. But if we get stuck here it’s the stuff of not feeling fulfilled, lit up and energised at work and in life. ?
I’ll give you a very personal example that happened to me at the end of last year when I got stuck in this mode. I was tired, it had been a big year, I had my family coming from the UK and a last-minute curve ball meant we had to move house. ?
I went straight into ‘busy mode’, going to house viewings and panicking at the long line of people at these viewings. Before I knew it, I had dropped into the ‘less than’, ‘playing it small mindset’. ?
I found myself bidding on things that didn’t work for us, getting dejected by the ‘no’s’ and playing even smaller...until my partner took me aside and asked me what was going on. He knows I’m normally in a positive mindset, playing big and consciously in charge of my career and life destiny.?
I was so far in the ‘doing’ hole that I had completely lost; ?
How many of us have had close friends or loved ones around us that are prepared to hold the mirror up to us at exactly the point when we need it?! ?
It helped me realise I was not aiming for a ‘luminous goal’ and more a murky one! In fact, I had completely lost sight of what was right for me (and us). In that moment I did 3 things; ?
And do you know what happened in taking conscious control of what was right for us? I started to shift into a ‘play big’ ‘more than’ mindset.?
The result. We got 2 offers accepted that very same weekend! ?
Now I’m not really here to share my house-moving antics but what I am here to share is that there is both a system and a way of thinking that can help us to realise our dreams and goals... ?
If you have found your year slipping into busy mode and with it the big dreams and aspirations you had for your leadership, career and life then it’s time to take a breath and step back. ?
I’m here to help you bring back some luminosity to your goals and help you get back to playing big! ?
So, if you have not registered already, please come and join me this Friday for our latest complimentary masterclass; ?
Creating Luminous Goals in 2024. ?
We will be working on: ??
?? Why so many people get stuck playing small with their goals ?
?? Why setting goals is so important and has the power to unlock new growth and opportunities ?
?? The ‘luminous-goal-getting’ process that I have worked with 100s of leaders on to help them play big and reach that next step in their leadership and career. ?
???The critical mindset needed to start creating and achieving your luminous goals ?
?? Taking your first action in the session to get there ?
This session will be held on Friday, 15th March at 8:30am and will run for 45 mins via Zoom.??? ?
Simply click on the button below to reserve your spot and claim your complimentary ticket. ?
Please also share this invite with your team or loved ones and those that you think will appreciate creating some clarity on their year ahead and building some more luminous goals, all are welcome.?? ?
I’d love to see you there!? ?
Here’s to creating more luminous goals in 2024!