If you are struggling to take action, try making your plan more specific.
Chris Desmond
Health and Wellbeing Consultant | Injury Prevention Consultant | Physiotherapist
"I really need to do better with my exercise"
"In what way?"
"Well, I plan to do it, and then I don't"
"What stops you from doing it?"
"I usually get distracted by something"
"Life gets in the way sometimes, don't be too hard on yourself. Is it usually by something important?"
"That's the thing, it isn't. It's usually by something I don't really need to do. Sometimes even just scrolling my phone"
"There are a couple of things that may be helpful here. But let's start with your plan. How do you set your plan up for the day?"
"What do you mean? I want to exercise that day, and then I don't"
"How specific is your plan to exercise? Do you know what time you'll do it? Where you will do it? What you will be doing? Who you'll do it with? What things you'll need to get it done?"
"OH. No"
"Let's start there"
Thinking about doing something isn't planning.
Wanting to do something isn't planning.
I use a 6 minute health planning tool with my "Better Health for Busy Professionals" clients to set up their health plans each week.
Planning needs to be easy. We want it to take up minimal space cognitively. We want to just set it up and knock down actions with no drama.
Some questions to ask to dial in your weekly health plan.
If you are struggling to take action, try making your plan more specific.
If you are interested in Better Health for Busy Professionals for yourself or your workplace then book a time to chat with me here