You still using paper straws, bro?
Photo by Leeroy Jason, Crtve Development, WE!Are Campaign, 2022.

You still using paper straws, bro?

You still using paper straws, bro?

This question continues to plague me. I know, ridiculous right? But I think it underpins the true quest of the work we aim to do with this #climate campaign.

So, Nolo, what’s so special about a straw??

For me, it’s the enabler of all good things. It’s nostalgia. It’s the weapon to enjoy my old Yogisip box. It’s the final combination code to my Caprisun after playing “open-the-gate” during long summer school days in Mafikeng. Oh the Joy!

The straw is practical, understated, so matter of fact, that we didn’t understand what we lost until we had to use paper straws to (try) enjoy a milkshake. The pits. It’s been downhill from there, and so has African policy related change movements.?

Humour me for a second…

The work of CD is anchored on the core mission to socialise key #policy themes that impact Africa’s future. This may often be a mouthful to remember, let alone embody, but the crux of the matter is we all know the impact of governance related issues at a very personal level.

The drive of our work is not to show how smart or cool we are. That’s not going to change #Africa. I believe - what will - is the humility to be next to our people and understand them in the truest of senses.?

In that spirit, I didn’t want to use this first team address to talk strategy, business, ideas, campaigns or logistics. I wanted to talk to you, fellow comrade in the struggle for change, at a heart level, the only level that brings true transformation and lives beyond a space, time or medium.?

Nolo, the straw? Yes! The straw!

See, the paper straw is a #conversation. Every dinner party, someone laments the use of these things. How does this affect what we do?

Micro actions are in fact greater than macro actions. Size is neither good nor bad. What I am interested in is scale. Scale is relative. Scale is nuanced. Scale is contextualized. Scale factors into account you and I. Scale says I care immensely about the people, not just the policy issue.?

That’s the key here. Everyone might not care about climate change, but they do care about someone. A mother, sister, father, friend, lover. Being human is being connected. Being impactful in socializing policy is about being connected. Science matters, but not more than the people. Floods matter, but only because of the people. Straws matter, yes, but not more than our communities.??

I hope by being people centered it drives an obsession to speak simply, directly, with courage and conviction. I am not interested in a perfect team, but one that is courageous in the face of adversity. The fear of not measuring up cannot outweigh the fear of Africa’s project failing under our watch.?

Kendrick said it best, “Me and my niggas tryin’ to get it, ya bish..”.

This “it” ; freedom, democracy, stability, quality education, universal healthcare, climate resilience, development, whatever is affecting your family - will feel the full swing of our commitment and courage this year.

I may not know all the science yet, but I do know the people it affects.?

May this be the heartbeat to your tireless work and contributions this year.

With love, in (optimistic) struggle,



A special thank you to the partners who make the work at Crtve Development possible:

Embassy of Denmark in South Africa led by H.E Tobias Elling Rehfeld , Climate Emergency Collaboration Group , Ford Foundation , 英国文化协会 , Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) , Africa No Filter led by Moky Makura , Bigger Than Me, our creatives hubs, our champions , our advisors and host communities.

Special shout out to my partner in crime, Dr Okito Wedi and our incredible team.

Here's to more narrative changing work for Africa by Africans!


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