“Are you still training people?”
??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
Was at a kids birthday party yesterday with the family..
and a lady asked me a question I hadn’t heard for YEARS
“Are you still training people?”
Heard it a lot recently, to be honest.
Must been cuz av dropped a little junk from
my trunk
Anyhoo, I’m had to aplogise to the lady in the end…
I was just plain rude…
See, I just burst out laughing
(My wife was horrified at that^^, woops)
But it reminded me of a question that used to
always make me feel awkward.
Well actually, the-question-after-the-answer
to-the-first-question, to be precise.
Lemme splaineth, squire..
Person at social gathering: “So, what do you
You: “I’m a personal trainer”
Then, comes the part that’s like catching the
tip of your penis in the zip of your jeans
Person at social gathering: “Oh, I could do
with one of those, how much is it an hour?”
UnCoMfOrTaBlE right, hombre?
I used to hate that shit.
See, ‘joe public’ kinda sees all PT’s the
“Muscles for hire” so to speak.
Unfortunately that means AWESOME trainers,
like you..
get Pigeon-holed with, LUMPED in with…
-quid-a-session, PT’s.
( I’ve actually seen PT’s charging LESS than that- fucktards)
Not a good place to be in right?
Fear not, mere mortal.
You can fix that shit, and fix it pretty
{–No more “how much is it?”–}
1- Stop selling sessions. Start selling
RESULTS (obvious, but thats what most people
want anyway)
New answer: “Well, I don’t actually charge by
the hour (optional- “I aint a hooker”) I have
an application only business where serious,
committed people invest in results.
So it depends entirely on wether A- you’re
accepted as a client and B- your goals and
timescale you’d like to achieve them in.
here’s my card if you’d like to know more”
2- Un-Pigeon-Hole Yourself. Make people think
a little beyond the ‘price’
New Answer: “I help worn out, tired dads who’ve let
themselves go get back in shape, lose their
guts and be a great model to their kids. I do
this through 1-1 coaching, group training and
online consultations.
Oh and they don’t have to live like monks or give
up pints with the lads”
Now, homey..
I also have a REAL secret weapon up my sleeve
(and in my pants, actually)
A MEGA fast way to position yourself as a real EXPERT..
and in this months MMIC newsletter
I teach just how to RAM events and seminars full of RED HOT
But only for people that don’t want to keep
being asked:
“How much is it?”
Paul “No, I’m not training people, Idiot’ Mort
PS- Almost forgot man, here’s the link
LOOK—if you want to stop pissing against the wind
with your business and start seeing results like Chris:
“Just a quick email back to say that emailing
daily is rocking my shit. Since i seen you
we’ve signed up 5 new clients in 2 weeks and
completed 7 consults (so my own conversion
rate is 71%), this is not counting the number
of people growing on my email list daily and
actually filling out the forms etc.. These
are cold hard facts broheim.”
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Funny thing is…
I haven’t even TAUGHT Chris how to write
KICK-ASS emails yet.
Join Chris and the other go-getters in MMIC
It ain’t for wimps though: