If you are still on the fence about the election, read this before you vote

If you are still on the fence about the election, read this before you vote

As a Biden-Harris supporter, I believe in treating people with respect and value, stepping into their contexts as authentically as possible, working to make our society just and equal, taking care of our world, and speaking truthfully and acting with integrity. I believe Joe Biden and Kamala Harris live these values and that they will create a diverse transformation in Washington that represents the rainbow of America.

Trump and his administration has consistently put African Americans, Hispanics, Muslims, the poor, particularly the poor of color, and LGBTQ persons at risk, while he has brought people into his administration with alt right/white supremacist sympathies and many others who have profoundly low social IQs, meaning they have disturbingly limited understanding of other contexts and experiences.

Trump has stirred white prejudice and resentment, and hate-crimes have reached a 16-year high (according to the FBI). He spews lies and slander almost every time he speaks, depending on misinformation to keep his base charged. Trump's racism has been overt, such as telling a white supremacist group to "stand back and stand by"; or branding Mexicans and Central Americans as "rapists" - which he built his first campaign on; or "shithole" countries in Africa; or referencing aggressive white supremacists in Charlottesville as "very fine people"; etc.

Thus, there is a very good reason why white supremacists openly support and celebrate Trump.

You have the power to help change this and make America better, safer, inclusive, respected. Let your vote be a vote in defense of our neighbors who have suffered most over the last four years and just a vote if favor of truth and decency.

Vote Biden-Harris.


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