If you start...don't stop
(Annual) Lessons from the blog
We offered no annual recap at the end of ‘23 rather asked whether you were optimistic about the future. This January, we offer no predictions for the year ahead only a lesson learned from last year: once you start, don’t stop (because it will take you a while to regain ground).
A year ago we did some roundup learnings from a few months of publishing Tikto Tidbits. We now have another year’s worth of data and accompanying intel. First up, an analysis on whether people actually read what we’re writing (open rate) and how many of those people there are (subs).
Subs (right) and Open Rate (left), emoji for effect
One of the reasons why we continue writing - beyond liking the process and nurturing our network - is that people seem to enjoy reading Tidbits. There is minimal reader churn and our average open rate through 2023 was 45.9%.
That number comprises a big hiccup however. Between posts 25 and 26 there was a 3-4 month gap while we did some consultancy work for Mercuri helping them get their new fund off to a great start. We came back in October with a bang - announcing our investment in Furthr.Earth - but we’d clearly lost share of mind and the following 3 posts languished at an open rate of 35%. We eventually got back in the groove helped in this regard by a good bit of FT coverage late last year.
Of course it could be that posts 27, 28, 29 were rubbish topics and/or writing compared with everything else that we publish though the coincidence following our quarter-long interlude seems too great. 28 - Why Humanise the Machines - was one our our personal favourites, but what do we know?
We know that: if you start a writing habit you need to keep it up…or be prepared to do some hard yards to get your audience’s attention back.
Quality analysis: open rate and open rate moving average
Our lifetime average open rate is now 41.1%. We’re pretty happy about that. Especially as we’re aware that we can sometime lack repetition with our subject matter. Our love for the writing takes us in tangential directions - from deal announcements to AI Doomerism, PE deal structuring to the state of venture capital - which may blight ‘focus’ though this is merely a reflection of what has been top of mind for the last couple of weeks. Fortunately that doesn’t seem to affect people opening what we send them. While our inboxes struggle with their daily bombardment and subsequent indigestion: thank you for reading and for those who have provided feedback.
The lesson that we’d like to draw out of this runs alongside the often quoted the medium is the message. Between posts 14 and 15 we changed platform from erstwhile-Twitter’s erstwhile-blogging platform to Substack. Open rates were transformed.
Lesson 2: Choose your platform carefully, and you should probably choose Substack.
There are so many other stats to look into, and here’s a selection of other things that we looked at:
Our goal for 2024 is to expand our readership. We’ve not really focused on this but we feel as though it’s time to get our numbers up. If you know someone who might enjoy this post, or any from the back catalogue, please do forward this on. Likewise if you have any thoughts to share on how to improve Tidbits, we’d love to hear them.
At Tikto, we purchase stakes in EBITDA profitable businesses or tech businesses with challenged business models and follow that up with incremental growth capital. We bring our network of experienced operators to help execute a business plan for the next phase of our portfolio companies’ growth.
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