Are you spending time to save Money or Investing Money to save time?
Cami Baker
Nonprofit Fundraisers, you have 73M Babyboomers in your donor list, owning 42% of Americas RE. Let's make it EZ to donate Millions in RE RISK FREE for your mission.
"How much will it cost me to hire you?"
We have all heard the salesey reply to that...... "It's not how much it will 'cost' you to hire's how much it's going to 'cost' you NOT to!"
The fact is that the reason so so so many entrepreneurs don't make it to 5 years of business ownership, or have the success that they could and should is because they are taking too long to try and figure things out. They could be bringing in the experts who could shorten their learning curve from 3-6 years down to 3-6 months!
Don't get me wrong, I agree that there is way way too much money "spent" on things at the beginning of building a business that are not needed. We need to be smart about the investments we make. Yet there are service providers out there with a wonderful company, fabulous services and life changing products who simply need to get in front of the RIGHT people! Knowing how to do that is the biggest downfall of these service providers that I've seen in 18 years as a professional Business Strategiest.
They spend so much time networking, trying to save money, and what they are doing is a costly mistake! If you look at how much your time is worth, and how much of it is being spent to save money, the numbers don't lie.
Let's have a simple example:
I am not suggesting that you market yourself at an hourly rate, nor create your packages based on hourly value. The results you provide are the value. This is just an example.
If your value was $100 an hour. And you spent even as little as 10 hours a week on random activities like networking, that's $1,000 a week you are "spending" on your marketing. Over a 6 month period, that is $24,000 invested in marketing. And yes, I consider networking a random activity. At least the thousands of events I've been to, the 100's I've spoken at and the 10's of thousands of cards I've seen exchanged. Random in that 99% of this activity goes unleveraged, and doesn't result in the Resources, Relationships and Revenue that we are all wanting. Think about it, how many cards have you given, received and thrown in the trash without a phone call, a coffee, a lead, a friendship, a referral or a client resulting from it?
So if traditional networking doesn't work, what do I do? You may ask:) Of course we all need our website, and our marketing collateral. And while there is value in SEO and the social interaction of networking events, here is a marketing strategy that will cut the networking in half, and double the Resources and Relationships that lead to that Revenue that ROCKS!
Purpose Leveraged Marketing...... Be on Purpose, and align your passion with your profit so that you are talking more about what you are "Doing" than what you do.
Here is a real life example of one of the hundreds of ways this is different from traditional networking. The client is a financial advisor. He is very limited on what he can and can not do in his marketing. He certainly needs to be conscious about not discussing finances and numbers while marketing. His Ideal Clients are firefighters and police officers. His purpose/passion is around helping children. Here's the strategy:
Facebook LIVE.... talking at networking events..... speaking to anyone who says "what do you do?"
"As a family man, father and philanthropist, I am passion about helping kiddo's. I have recently become aware that kids in our communities are not able to go to summer camp because of financial concerns and the towns don't have the funding for scholarships. I want to be a part of the solution.
My goal is to send 50 kids to summer camp this year and I am doing it with the help of my brothers and sisters that are firefighters and police officers. I work with lots of them and know that they are community focused, family oriented and just good people. So I'm looking to be introduced to them to share with them how this campaign works to get these kids off the streets and into the nurturing environment of the camps. Who do you know that runs a fire house or is in charge of a police station? When you make an introduction for me, we will collaborate to help these kids and families and feel great doing it!"
The kids get to go to camp. My client and the people he collaborates with feel great helping out. He is getting introduced to hundreds of his perfect clients. And instead of spending his time for years to get in front of these folks, he has accelorated his business growth to meet them in 3-6 months all the people that would have taken 3-6 years!!
There are many, many other fun nuances in how to leverage his marketing through purpose that you can read about in more articles to come. Yet this one single technique will literally save him hundreds of thousands of dollars in wasted time, and now he can invest that time back into what is important to him which is his family.
Are you spending time to save money? Or like my client, do you see the benefit of investing money to save time..... and ultimately save lots of money in the process?
Take 5 minutes to fill out the business and marketing review so we can discuss YOUR time and money saving strategy!!
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5 年Hi Cami Baker Business Strategy ROCKSTAR?... Best of BOTH worlds for me. Lets chat soon... wayyyy to long my friend!? Keep Shining Bright! #abetterway?#breakthrough4humanity?