You Are The Source Of Your Own Suffering!
Sally Anderson
Trusted Advisor | Confidante To The Elite | I partner with the most extraordinary minds to reveal the missing piece that gives them ULTIMATE power with CERTAINTY | Author
All of human suffering is a function of what we make things mean!?If you no longer wish to suffer STOP making things mean things – Sally Anderson
Let’s break this down:-
Many do not realise due to their lack of awareness that they:-
The key to self mastery is not about not getting triggered it’s the length of time you spend in the trigger – a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a lifetime…some people go to their grave being triggered - Sally Anderson
It saddens me that there is not more ‘awareness based training’, in our schooling system and leadership/management development programs.?A high level of unnecessary energy is expended on dynamics that could quite easily be diffused if there was more respect for ‘awareness based training’.?The premise of ‘awareness based training’, is the distinction CHOICE – you have a choice on how you feel, you have a choice on how you react, you have a choice on what you do, you have a choice to take action.?You also have a choice on whether you allow anything externally to impact your state.?Imagine living a life where nothing externally impacts your state unless you allow it – all the power lies with you!
Here’s my top 10 recommendations to live a life of no suffering:-
- Is what you are THINKING forwarding your game??If it is not do not THINK it!
- Is what you are SAYING forwarding your game? If it is not do not SAY it!
- Is what you are DOING forwarding your game? If it is not do not DO it!
- Is who you are BEING forwarding your game? If it is not stop BEING that!
Apply this mantra daily
9. Get present to the costs of being the source of your own suffering
10. Spend more time walking your faith, versus talking your faith – when connected to whatever your interpretation of faith is, nothing externally can impact you!
There is a life beyond suffering!?It is a CHOICE!?Chose it!
Result Coach at Robbins Research Int.
1 年Grwat point Sally Anderson - World Class Coach Intuitive sufffering is a choice and an addiction that can become an identity..
I help corporate professionals find careers they love | Trusted Advisor to Midlife Executives/Senior Professionals | What's your life's Destination | Make the next 40 years more meaningful than the last 40.
1 年So many great points here, Sally Anderson - World Class Coach Intuitive! People live drama filled lives because they want to live drama filled lives!
??Building to Last & Ennobling for Success | ??Transformational Strategist | ??Thought Leader| ??Author | ??Speaker | ??Change Agent | ??Social Entrepreneur
1 年Great tips, Sally Anderson - World Class Coach Intuitive !
Televised Self-Esteem Expert, Published Author, Professional Speaker, Mental Health Counselor & Addictions Expert
1 年Nothing has any meaning except the meaning I give it. I am launching a new program in April that addresses these thinking habits, how to change them, and more. I will forward my introduction to it to you…
?? Performance Architect| ?? Executive Coach | ?? Speaker | I show you how self intimacy enhances your performance
1 年100 afree Sally Anderson - World Class Coach Intuitive