Are you solving the right problem?
Chip Griffin
Helping agency owners build businesses they want to own | Agency growth coach & consultant | Podcaster | Photographer
As agency owners, we wear many different hats and frequently feel like we are drinking out of a firehose.
That makes it easy to lose sight of the big picture. When we see a problem arise, we are tempted to solve exactly what we see.
But often that leads us to treat a symptom rather than the disease. I'll talk more about that a bit later in this newsletter.
— Chip Griffin, SAGA Founder
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Small agencies should beware the big brands
It seems so alluring to be able to put a Fortune 500 logo on your agency’s website. Many of us dream of the creative things that we can do for these household names. (more)
How PR agencies can turn measurement and evaluation into a profit center
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Weekly Roundup
Below are some articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos that we came across during the past week or so that provide useful perspective and information for PR and marketing agency owners. While we don’t necessarily endorse all of the views expressed in these links, we think they are worth your time.
— Jen Griffin, SAGA Community Manager
Articles & Blog Posts
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AI in Focus
Are you solving the right problem?
When seeking to solve problems in our agency businesses, it's important to take a deeper look to understand the root cause. Addressing what we see on the surface may give us some temporary relief, but getting to the real problem will help set us up for long-term success.
For example, if your team tells you repeatedly that they are overworked, is it because of a staffing issue or a pricing problem or something else?
I talk to a lot of agency owners who feel stressed and burned out, so they want to sell their businesses. But if they can uncover the true cause, they might be more inclined to keep themselves in the driver's seat.
When a problem hits your desk, resist the urge to immediately start solving it. Take the time to ask questions -- including of yourself -- to get better clarity about what isn't working.
Before you implement a solution, ask yourself if your plan will really provide the relief you are seeking or simply apply a bandage to a larger issue.
When we solve the real problems, we see better results.
Digital Agency Salary Survey Reminder
Don’t forget to submit your Digital Agency Salary Survey.?The deadline is December 29. If you haven't already heard about it, it's a joint project by Promethean Research and Bureau of Digital. If you participate, you'll receive a copy of the final report and an invite to a highlight/Q&A call to review the results. Employee compensation is a hot topic these days so here's your chance to get some answers.