You sold your house. Now what?
When you’re dealing with an event as big as selling your house, or buying a new one, it’s easy to forget the “moving” part of the equation. After all, moving is the very last detail. And really, it’s not that big a deal, is it?
Truth be told, moving IS one of the most stressful events in anyone’s matter your age, or how many times you’ve done it.
Think of all the things that go into moving:
- the decluttering
- the packing
- cancelling services like TV and internet
- finding boxes to pack all your stuff!
- taking apart big items like that treadmill and the trampoline
- making sure NOTHING gets left behind
- making sure delicate items are packed with special care (think lampshades)
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s why I have a favour to ask, to both potential clients and realtors alike:
Please start thinking about your MOVE before your listing even goes up.
My job is to make your move as easy an experience as possible. The best way for me to do that, is to be involved before the “sold” sign goes up.
If you’re wondering why, here’s some reasons:
Your home is staged so it will sell. Staging doesn't take into consideration ALL of your belongings, just the ones being shown. I actually need to know exactly what items will be leaving....and whether there’s other items in storage. Or in sheds. Or packed up in attics. Or being held at a relative’s house.
Often, people forget to mention that they’re holding furniture at a storage facility, or in a pod. And I need to know that.
All those things will affect your estimate, the size of truck needed, and how many movers actually need to be on site. If you have a lot of furniture in addition to what’s staged, I need to know that ahead of time.
In a perfect world, I pick up where the realtor stops so that you get a seamless, easy experience.
If you haven’t considered getting an estimate until after your home sells, you may not be able to get a moving company for the date you need....and that’s usually the biggest cause of stress I see. Specially in the really hot market Ottawa is experiencing.
So if you think you’re jumping the gun by calling me, you’re not. If you’re just finding a realtor to help you, give me a call too. That way everyone can work to make your move a stress-free experience.