You Sold The $125.00 Per Foot Descaling, Now To Execute The Work

You Sold The $125.00 Per Foot Descaling, Now To Execute The Work

You went through the problem of scale in the lines to your building owner and they could see the benefit of getting all of the scale removed from the pipe, restoring it back to new. He’s agreed to hire you to perform the work and now you have to execute the work. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BRING UP YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT DAMAGING PIPE WHILE CLEANING, OR ANY OTHER ISSUES OR CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE. SIGN THE CONTRACT AND GET TO WORK.

You went through the problem of scale in the lines to your building owner and they could see the benefit of getting all of the scale removed from the pipe, restoring it back to new. He’s agreed to hire you to perform the work and now you have to execute the work. THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BRING UP YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT DAMAGING PIPE WHILE CLEANING, OR ANY OTHER ISSUES OR CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE. SIGN THE CONTRACT AND GET TO WORK.

Many of you will show up with a jetter and a conventional cable machine. Many of you have spent days with these two machines trying as you might to get all the scale off the walls of the pipe and you have it better than it was but it’s not really clean. The scale you left has a bumpy surface and a great environment to rebuild the scale in a relative short amount of time. At this point in the cleaning process it’s time to bring out the secret weapon to get down to the original pipe surface. Here’s where the high speed cabling process comes into play. You attach a chain knocker with blades to grind off the scale to a high speed machine that spins over 1800 RPM’s or 6 times the speed of a conventional cable machine. Better if the high speed machine goes up to 3000 RPM’s or 10 times the speed. With the chain knocker attached, you will accomplish in a few minutes a complete descaling of the pipe.

Here’s where your concerns about the process surface. Won’t I break a hole in the pipe if it’s weak or damaged? That sounds pretty aggressive and I’m worried I may make this worse than before. Running a conventional cable that fast is dangerous. I’m worried I’d get caught up in the cable and hurt myself or my workers. What about the scale, do I clean it and let future drain water carry it away? Finally, how may times will I need to put my high speed cable in, take it out and put my camera in to see what is left to clean, then put my cable back to finish more cleaning?

To prevent damaging the pipe, you use centering axels. What are those? They are brushes that keep the chain knockers centered in the pipe. By keeping the chain knockers centered in the pipe you prevent the chains from slamming against the wall of the pipe and therefore keep the chains cleaning the interior scale build up instead of attacking the actual pipe wall. Using the proper diameter chain knockers is key to this process.

Running a conventional cable machine that has very high torque could kill someone if it locks up and the operator isn’t experienced in controlling it. The high speed cables use a sheathing material to cover the cable. This sheath does not turn, so you can’t get wrapped up in the cable like conventional cable machines. This leads to another advantage that the sheathing does and that is it gives you the ability to tape your camera to the sheathing. Now you can insert your chain knocker and see what you are doing in real time. No pulling out to shove the camera down the line to see what you’ve done. Your camera is showing you what you did and what’s left to do. By the time you reach the far end, your camera can record the finished cleaning job on the way back out of the pipe. If you missed something on the way in, you’re chain knocker is right there to finish what you missed.

One last note. Keep pushing the scale you removed down stream and out to the main. Running water while chain knocking will help, but when completed make sure you jet the loose scale all the way to the main.

This process will give your customer a very clean and functional drain system and they will be happy to pay for the job you did. This cleaning should last them for years. For more information, call us at 888-354-6464 or email us at [email protected]

Next week we’ll show you how to turn the $125.00 per foot cleaning into another

Many of you will show up with a jetter and a conventional cable machine. Many of you have spent days with these two machines trying as you might to get all the scale off the walls of the pipe and you have it better than it was but it’s not really clean. The scale you left has a bumpy surface and a great environment to rebuild the scale in a relative short amount of time. At this point in the cleaning process it’s time to bring out the secret weapon to get down to the original pipe surface. Here’s where the high speed cabling process comes into play. You attach a chain knocker with blades to grind off the scale to a high speed machine that spins over 1800 RPM’s or 6 times the speed of a conventional cable machine. Better if the high speed machine goes up to 3000 RPM’s or 10 times the speed. With the chain knocker attached, you will accomplish in a few minutes a complete descaling of the pipe.

Here’s where your concerns about the process surface. Won’t I break a hole in the pipe if it’s weak or damaged? That sounds pretty aggressive and I’m worried I may make this worse than before. Running a conventional cable that fast is dangerous. I’m worried I’d get caught up in the cable and hurt myself or my workers. What about the scale, do I clean it and let future drain water carry it away? Finally, how may times will I need to put my high speed cable in, take it out and put my camera in to see what is left to clean, then put my cable back to finish more cleaning?

To prevent damaging the pipe, you use centering axels. What are those? They are brushes that keep the chain knockers centered in the pipe. By keeping the chain knockers centered in the pipe you prevent the chains from slamming against the wall of the pipe and therefore keep the chains cleaning the interior scale build up instead of attacking the actual pipe wall. Using the proper diameter chain knockers is key to this process.

Running a conventional cable machine that has very high torque could kill someone if it locks up and the operator isn’t experienced in controlling it. The high speed cables use a sheathing material to cover the cable. This sheath does not turn, so you can’t get wrapped up in the cable like conventional cable machines. This leads to another advantage that the sheathing does and that is it gives you the ability to tape your camera to the sheathing. Now you can insert your chain knocker and see what you are doing in real time. No pulling out to shove the camera down the line to see what you’ve done. Your camera is showing you what you did and what’s left to do. By the time you reach the far end, your camera can record the finished cleaning job on the way back out of the pipe. If you missed something on the way in, you’re chain knocker is right there to finish what you missed.

One last note. Keep pushing the scale you removed down stream and out to the main. Running water while chain knocking will help, but when completed make sure you jet the loose scale all the way to the main.

This process will give your customer a very clean and functional drain system and they will be happy to pay for the job you did. This cleaning should last them for years. For more information, call us at 888-354-6464 or email us at [email protected]

Next week we’ll show you how to turn the $125.00 per foot cleaning into another $125.00 additional charge for corrosion protection and restoring the old pipe to "better than new".


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