"You Are Not Smart Enough"?

"You Are Not Smart Enough"

I can't tell you how many times I speak to people who hold themselves back because they keep uttering these words to themselves:

"You are not smart enough"

Now here is what's interesting. I am willing to bet if I was able to take the inner thoughts you say only to yourself and broadcast them to the world... people just might think you were a bully.

You say things to yourself in a way you would never say to other people.

This isn't to cut you down or say there is something wrong with you.

On the contrary, I'm saying this to let you know you are not at all alone. Usually the most kind hearted people are the ones who are quite brutal to themselves.

Think about whenever you want to go after a new goal, the "keep-you-small" part your mind jumps in and let's you know about ALL the things you don't know and ALL the things you haven't accomplished and ALL of the things that prove why you are simply not ready yet.

It happens all the time.


Because your mind's primary goal is to protect you. And trying something new is scary.

I know this feeling all too well...

I remember when I wanted to create my first online course, I would go through this vicious emotional roller coaster ride.

First, I would get SUPER excited about the idea of making an online course that would actually help people, make money not connected to my time, add a stream of revenue that would allow me to experience even more cool things in life, and raise the low periods in my speaker calendar when I had nothing booked (because no one can speak 365 days a year)!

So what would happen is I would get this excited energy like I could do anything, I could help people, I could make a difference and I could really get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then that "keep-you-small" part of my mind would kick in...

"But you aren't smart enough Arel, you don't know internet marketing Arel, you are not a tech guy Arel, you are not a film maker Arel, you are not a film editor Arel, you are not as good as the people you see doing it Arel, you don't have unlimited funds to hire people to do these things Arel...maybe now just isn't the right time."

And then I would believe that "keep-you-small" part of my mind. Because it wasn't saying "No" outright to my goals, it was simply saying, now isn't the right time. So I could push it off without feeling too bad about myself.

Then I started seeing my peers start online courses and start crushing it and I would get this pain of jealousy...and I had to quickly override that feeling and change it to a supportive feeling. But my initial feeling was always jealousy. Jealousy is a dangerous emotion that corrodes the soul, so I would replace my jealous thoughts with thoughts of congratulating the person for their accomplishments.

And I would genuinely feel really happy for them, BUT I would then say to myself "Dang...this person is smarter than me...they deserve it...I wish I could do what they are doing. I'm such an idiot. Maybe people like me just aren't destined for stuff like that."

And then I would start to get really low. Then I would start to beat myself up for not being good enough.

Then I would get so low that I would say "Hey, this isn't who I am...I'm better than this! I need to start taking action now."

And I would get high again on the thought.

And then right before I would start to take action, the vicious negative cycle of beating myself up would start again. It was incredibly emotionally draining, and no one even knew I was going through it. So I suffered. Silently.

I did this high and low emotional roller coaster ride for longer than I'd like to admit...and I absolutely hated it.

And it always started with the same initial feeling of not feeling smart enough and not feeling good enough.

It wasn't until I made a very specific realization that pushed me into high gear, which got me to actually create the online course AND to actually market it so I could sell it.

This realization allowed me to have financial months like this that was purely from online sales not connected to me delivering speaking engagements:

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I share these numbers with you because each dollar represents a dollar I couldn't have made if I would have listened to that "keep-you-small" part of my mind that tried to keep me safe AKA small. Each sale, more importantly, represents someone I get to help, someone who will get to positively impact people I'll never get to interact with. That's what it's really about.

These numbers are from just one particular month. Not every month is like this, some are much more, some are much less. But I can't tell you how much seeing this means to me, not because of the mere dollar amount, but because of what it also personally represents to me. It represents me overcoming that part of my brain that tried to keep me small.

I would love to share the realizations I made that helped me to overcome that "keep-you-small" part of my mind at that time so that I could actually take action on creating my online course. I hope it will help you to get over any mental humps that may be (falsely) convincing you that you are not smart enough or not good enough to achieve the goal you've been wanting to for some time.

Can't wait to share!

Wishing you authentic success,



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