Are you sleep walking through life?

Are you sleep walking through life?

I've been doing a lot of reflecting in the past 2 weeks.

I think lock-down has really made people reflect on what really is important to them.

I came down to this part of Southsea today as it has happy memories for me.

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My Nan would bring my cousins and I down here and we'd swim, play and eat ice creams.

My cousin used to get so excited waiting for his ice cream he would jump up and down with excitement until he got it, I remember it like it was yesterday.

Really happy times, I look back and feel very fortunate for the childhood I had.

Surrounded by love, kindness, joy and togetherness.

I'm sharing this little story with you as I believe we get so caught up with wanting "stuff" and buying "things" and saying to ourselves "I'll be happy when" that we lose sight of what is important.

Life is short, nobody is on their death bed thinking about the expensive shoes they bought or the car they drove.

When we get older we won't be looking back at the "stuff" we'll be looking back at the love we felt and the connections we had with the people around us and the memories we made.

2 years ago I was living so unconsciously I wouldn't have thought about any of the things I've shared today, I would be sleep walking through my life.

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it"

Albert Einstein

I'm so grateful to the coaches I've worked with over the last 2 years who have woke me the f**k up.

My only regret is that I didn't invest in myself sooner.

Now, it's my duty to pass my knowledge, experience and expertise on.

So I can help people more people to live consciously and pass that on to there families and friends.

To sum up, life is short and precious.

Don't go through it sleep walking.


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