Are you simmering with inflammation?
What Can I Eat?
Many times when I have suggested foods to avoid, many people will ask me, “What can I eat?” There are actually many food items one can eat, that are very healthy. In addition to the undenatured whey protein shakes that alkalizes your body, the following guideline may be used for the foods one eats throughout the day.
Eat raw whole foods as much as possible. You can eat raw nuts, coconut oil, avocados, flax seeds, olive oil and hemp for healthy fat, as well as a variety of other foods that are in natural such as; organic fruits/vegetables, grass-fed beef, organic chicken and turkey, wild caught salmon, cheese, organic eggs, coconuts. The closer to their natural state the listed foods are, the healthier they are for you. The more processed a food is, the more likely it contains wheat and other byproducts of the refinement process that are detrimental to your health.
AVOID consuming wheat, cereal, pasta, grains is because the gliadin protein unlocks the normal intestinal barrier and allows foreign substances entry into the bloodstream – substances such as wheat lectin. It has been found that many people who eat wheat have leaky gut, autoimmune and inflammatory distress such as joint inflammation, bowel inflammation, acid reflux, inflammation of the brain, inflammation of the airways etc. In fact, there is not one nutritional plan that escapes the inflammatory assault of wheat! Gluten Free is the Healthy Lifestyle!