You should be a writer if you have these traits
Every new week, or new season, everyone ponders on what new thing to do so they can better themselves.
Every new year, you make new resolutions to start something different.
That new thing could be writing and you’ve had this thought for a while.?
How do I start writing?
Is it meant for me?
Do I have passion for writing??
Do I come across as someone who enjoys putting words down?
Hold that thought.
Here are the agreed traits of a writer and if you tick some of the boxes, you might as well pick your pen.
Let’s go on Google (again) (We’ll pick two people’s suggestions this time)
Karen Bender from Lithub says:?
Then you have a rich inner life that makes you sensitive to what surrounds you and in turn react to almost everything. To people crying, to an emotional show you just watched and to music you listen to.
According to her, if you are this sensitive then you should be writing.
2. Another thing she believes makes you a writer is how open you are to imagination. Sometimes, I watch a movie and I am not concerned about the actors, it’s the writer for me. Like man, you imagined this?
I know you also imagine a lot.
The hero movies you see are also someone’s imagination. So do you want to put those thoughts out? So they become real and don't remain thoughts??
If you believe you are someone with awesome imagination then why not let’s explore what you have on there? (WRITE)
3. The next trait she mentions comes as a surprise and that is STUBBORNNESS. The stubbornness and patience to go against the odds and just write.
You have to be really patient and stubborn to want to sit down for hours and just pen down words regardless of how odd people might think you to be and even when they keep telling you to get a real job.
Just imagine how odd it is to introduce yourself as a writer. Like, that’s all there is? So yes, I go with this thought.?
4. The last thing she mentions is that you have to be delulu. Well, if you don’t get that genz term, it means you have to be delusional and this is not saying that you have to become crazy. You just have to be delulu enough to decide that you want a writing career.
That you will sit long hours and want to do something that would probably not yield anything but because of your delusion, you can see yourself getting awards for the work you are creating.
You’re delusional enough to believe you can create something from nothing and make it make sense. Then you should be a writer.
Do you agree with her words? (let me know in the comments if her words resonate with you)
On Quora, Margie Lorenzo Strekal, says,?
You would make a good and creative writer if you were a good observer. Her belief is that people who make good writers are people who study, watch and try to understand their environment.
To her, writers are creative artists who use their words to paint a discovery for both themselves and other people.
A writer is someone, preferably an introvert who cares to make a difference in the world and bring change with their words.
Do you accept these pointers?
I did say I would only give 2 suggestions from Google but I just can’t ignore The Wordsmith.?
This page is pointing out five traits of writers but i prefer four.
The Wordsmith says,
First, they agree with others that writers have the trait of paying attention to detail.
Secondly, someone who is a creative writer is a person with the trait of storytelling. They can wear many hats and get you hooked on what they have to say and I do agree with? this.?
One thing that made me stick to writing was when a friend pointed out that I tell stories in a way that makes someone imagine and visualize what I am saying.?
Can you project through your words? Then I welcome you to the world of writing.
The third trait they mentioned is that of passionate reading. Do you love reading? You love words? Then you should be writing.
The fourth trait states that the person who should be a writer is someone who can connect dots and make perfect hooks.
Now here’s me watching a show that seemed confusing at first but gradually we realise everything is mixed.
That’s a good script. When you are about to say, "So what’s the show about?" The writer, the god of good timing suddenly makes you say, “Wait a minute! I think I get it now.”
Do you agree with this third view?
Here’s what I think.
For me, I believe that if:
Wonder of wonders, you ticked all the boxes. And you are not writing yet. ??
If reading a book is like watching a movie for you then you really should start writing and living your inner world. We bring our inner world to life when we write.
2. Your imaginations come to life when you write. Then you should not only speak inside, you can also speak out but now more comfortably through the use of written words.?
Also, like I mentioned in a previous newsletter that if you believe yourself to be someone who communicates better through the words you write then you should really pick up your pen and keep communicating.
How do you know this?
You notice that when you are on a call, you find it hard to recall most of what you have to tell the person. Most times you even have to write it down to recall what you have to say but whenever you type or chat, it all flies across the page. Here ye, I welcome you.
3. You would go crazy if you did not pen down something in a day. Yup yup, you should be writing.
Even if it is just one line a day, I get you but it is what it is (You are writing).
You love to write what you think, what you see, what you hear and all. Lord knows my note app is wondering why I think and write too much and I have tons of notebooks scattered around the house.
I would grow anxious if I had not written on paper for a while.
4. You love listening to people talk. I don’t know but i can’t help it. It’s how I get ideas.
Listening to people talk about topics of interest helps me feel calm and that’s why podcasts are my go-to.
What’s your go-to?
Can it make you a good creative writer?
Does it fit into this list I have compiled?
How do you know if your should be a writer?
Do you have the traits of a writer like I mentioned?
I know you have your answer by now since you got here.
Here’s me handing you a spare pen.?
Get on with it.
And welcome to a new week of exploration.
See you next week. ????
If you are not subscribed, kindly subscribe and learn more with me as we explore the psyche of the writer every week.
This could and may not become a podcast. Who knows? We love writers in this space.
See you again next week.
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8 个月Keep going ?? Joyce C. Nwezeh
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8 个月Thanks for sharing
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8 个月Great article my Joyce...keep sharing your gift with us.
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8 个月Great Article Joyce C. Nwezeh
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8 个月Your sensitivity can fuel powerful stories.