"You Should Have Gone Into Sales"
Lynne Viccaro O'Leary
Executive Leader in Advancement, Development & Strategic Communications | MBA in Management and Leadership
I still remember the day the new owners of our publishing company walked in, full of big promises. They talked about investing in the sales team, the creative team, and infrastructure. It all sounded great—until one of my fellow editors asked if the content team (you know, the people actually creating the product we sold) would see an increase that year.
The new owner chuckled and said, "Well, if you wanted to make money, you should’ve gone into sales."
That one comment told us everything we needed to know about how they saw us—and it wasn’t as a valuable part of the business.
And the ensuing turnover spoke volumes.
It was a defining moment that highlighted the stark difference between good and bad leadership. After all, insulting an entire room of your new employees is hardly the mark of a great leader.
? What a Good Leader Does:
? What a Bad Leader Does:
Great leaders don’t just talk about investment—they show it. And they recognize that a thriving business isn’t built on one department’s success, but on a company-wide commitment to excellence.
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