You Should Cut BS From Your Life. Here’s How I Did It, And What Happened Next

You Should Cut BS From Your Life. Here’s How I Did It, And What Happened Next

I made a new friend three years ago: a Navy Seal and fellow entrepreneur named Brandon Webb. He taught me something called “front sight focus.”

The idea is that, when shooting, you need to focus exclusively on the front sight, and not switch back and forth between the scope and the target.

It was a metaphor for focusing on something and being ruthless about cutting out all the other BS. So I decided to try it.

Have you ever gone through your day asking yourself, “do I absolutely need to do this thing in order to achieve my goals?”

Try it. It’s amazing how your day will change. Since I started using it, I find myself doing much less “work” than ever. If it’s a task I’m not good at, I delegate it. If it’s a book that won’t help me with this year’s goals — even if someone recommended it to me — I don’t read it.

When I went back for an MBA at Columbia (even though all my entrepreneur friends said I was stupid for going…but that’s exactly why I need to go, right!?). Don’t tell my professors, but I don’t read half the stuff they give me. Instead, I read what I know I need to know to do two things:

  1. Pass the exams. But, more importantly,
  2. Get the exact knowledge and insights I need to help grow my companies, and deeply ingrain that knowledge so I can make better business decisions AND better understand those decisions.

Because, let’s be honest, none of the other stuff matters. I can study regression analyses all day long, but if I have to do one 5 years from now, let’s face it, I’m going to Google.

How many things are you doing on a daily basis that you can outsource — to your friends, family, co-workers, employees, or even to Google?

My upcoming book is about using brutal honesty to get ahead in life, and this is one of those obvious lessons: get really honest about what you need to do TODAY, and what is actually BS that you don’t need to do.

Then change your life.

If you want to see how honesty plays a role in creating million-dollar companies, visit

Or, if you’re a Millennial entrepreneur and you want to learn how to double your business AND become an influential personal brand, visit


Peter Kozodoy

Author, Inc. 5000 Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and Keynote Speaker on the Power of Honesty. Get honest →



