You Should Charge More! And here's how to do it...

You Should Charge More! And here's how to do it...

Sometimes I like to oversimplify this so other coaches can truly understand how close you really are.

You’ve been getting ready to get ready to maybe one day increase your rates so you can step into the high touch transformational coaching you’ve always wanted to do.

Take this as your sign.

It's time to raise your rates.

Here's how:

Fully leverage your expertise, experience, and exposure.

Identify the high value skill sets that are currently hiding in your course or 4 figure offer. It's so common to overstuff our courses and smaller, 4 figure offers, and under-glorify our genius just to say we're going to stair step our way to charging more. Well you're an expert now. There's no need to stair step when you've already reached the top of the staircase.

Go for the ONE.

Identify who you are *actually* called serve. The one who has a desire for a high value transformation that just so happens to match how you help clients.

You're no longer available for the convincing clients.. the ones who you have to chase.

You're called to serve top talent.

I know but you have a heart for start-up, just getting their feet wet, flying by the seat of their pants clients.

If thats the case, then charge more to have the resources to circle back around and help them should be all the reason you need.

Master Your Movement Messaging

Instead of just teaching and preaching, uncover who "the One" wants to be at her core and give her permission through your content to believe bigger.

Ultimately you want her to believe in her, in you, and your opportunity. Content leads to connections. Connections leads to conversions. There's no way around it. Even people who mainly leverage paid media to drive sales are feeling called to create more organic, value rich content.

Make curriculum design a focus in your business.

Now that you've identified your program promise, it's time to build the curriculum to facilitate her journey to her desired transformation. This helps you get duplicatable results for you clients while adding to the scalability of your brand.

People think with high level coaching, you can ONLY provide results via voxer, slack, or Zoom. Creating the curriculum to help your clients achieve their goals while leveraging your coaching provides a much more thorough experience.

Most coaches shy away from doing this because a lot of us have a bad taste in our mouths from the programs with 67 modules, 99 lessons each with 120 minutes of information and it does't have to be that way.

Some of the most watch lessons in my programs are 20 minutes or less.

Raise your rates. I believe each transformational coach should have at least one 20K+ offer.

Take that 4 figure offer, remove the fluff, tweak the curriculum to move her towards her desired transformation, add value with high touch experiences, and don't overthink it.


Sell everyday. Sell your offer, an opportunity to talk to you, work with you, but every day. The large majority of coaches who claim they don't make enough are the same ones not making enough offers.

If this was helpful, drop a ?? in the comments!

DM me “legacy” if you want to see if you’re a fit for the High Ticket Offer Elixir or to chat about your 5 figure offer.


