Are you a secret?
There are a lot of _________ (fill in the blank with your job title) out there. I would say this is especially true for those of us that work in the real estate industry. In fact, I bet you have never heard anyone say "we need more realtors" or "I wish their were more lenders".
In light of all the competition you may offer your clients real benefits compared to others such as...
But today's question is... if you truly are better than your competitors is that a publicly known fact or is it a secret?
If you are not marketing yourself heavily how are people to know to call you and the reasons to call? The reality is that far too many professionals are not adept at self-promotion... and their business suffers because of that. You simply cannot allow yourself to be a "secret" if you want to grow your business.
Have you ever heard someone say "wow is that restaurant great... and it is never busy because no one knows about it?" I have, and those restaurants are usually out of business a few months later. So many business owners do little or no advertising.. they just assume people will use them.
You need...
You can be the best, but it only helps if people know. You simply must not allow yourself to be a secret. At least not if you want to thrive and grow your business. So tell your story, tell it often and ask others to tell it for you. Showcase your company everywhere you can. You have to spread the word... or you will be the best person in your field who is broke.