Are you in search of something?
Jaydeep Parmar
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World in Chaos
The world today has evolved over millions of years through technological advancement and economic growth. Sadly, the real growth and quality of life have reduced drastically. Every day, you see people becoming prosperous outwardly in terms of clothes, money, or opportunities to explore a plethora of tools and devices. But inwardly, people are often unsatisfied, mentally disturbed, and highly stressed. Believe it or not, we are actually on a path of degradation.
If you ask people what they want to achieve in life, some say money, some say a happy family, and some say a mundane academic degree. There are very few people who have realized or started realizing their true potential or interest. But what about the majority of people? In reality, the majority of people in this world are aimless, without any goal, and hopeless. You will find beggars roaming the streets, lazy people lying on the road, and distressed people moving from one city to another in search of a meaningful destination. Indeed, life without a meaningful goal is just useless, disinteresting, and a waste of time.
Ray of Hope
In this negative environment, how shall we keep ourselves motivated, content, and stress-free? You will see that in this world, God has provided all necessary arrangements for basic needs: water for thirst, food for hunger, people for social interaction, yoga to purify body-mind-soul, the science of Ayurveda (part of Vedic scriptures) for diseases, and various entertainment options (like singing, dancing, and adventure) for rejuvenation and refreshment. But we hardly find real pleasure. Since we are spirit souls and not the body (we leave the body after death) made out of five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether), the real pleasure lies in something else.
Now, the question arises, are we meant for living aimless lives, or is there any meaningful purpose to life? If you find some machine on the road, immediately the question arises: who made it? For what reason? Why is this machine here? You try to find out the answer, and eventually, you may get it. Similarly, life is created by God (or some people say nature) or somebody who is much more powerful than all of us. Ironically, why do people think that God has created all living beings without any reason? If you ponder with a cool mind, you realize that everything in this world is meant or made for some purpose. With the same logic, God has also created us for some purpose. There is something we need to deliver or achieve before we die.
Quenching the Thirst
The purpose of life is to find the purpose of life. And once you find the purpose (the highest one), the next step is to strive for it and achieve it. It may take months, years, a whole life, or many lives, but we should aim to achieve it. As mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita by the Supreme Lord Krishna (if you read Vedic scriptures with an open mind and submissively, you will realize his supremacy), the real purpose of life is to connect ourselves with the supreme God and work accordingly. In lucid terms, it is called "Yog" (union). If you associate with good people, by their virtues, you can also be positively affected. Similarly, since God is purest and spotless, if you associate with him, you can also gradually achieve the highest purity. It is not rocket science. It is a simple philosophy. But as I heard a wonderful statement, the science of Yog is simple for simple-hearted people and difficult for complex people. The best way to apply this concept in life is to seek the best association of people who have already tasted the nectar. Those are self-realized souls who have understood the concept of life, God, and the relationship between God and us.
You may ask a question: where will you find the self-realized soul? The answer is pretty simple. Just yearn for it and pray to the almighty God sincerely. He will surely show you the way.
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