Are you in search of Happiness?

Are you in search of Happiness?

Is there any happiness in this world? Why do we seek happiness here? Where can we find true happiness? Who can experience real happiness?

All human beings (and other living entities like animals, birds, plants, etc.) are looking for happiness in this mortal world. But if we ponder honestly, is there any real happiness in the world? From the moment we wake up, we have to start fulfilling the needs of our bodies. Basic needs like eating, sleeping, and maintaining the body are tough tasks. Despite our efforts, we seldom find lasting happiness. Even when we do, it often appears as a mirage. Once, I was listening to a talk by the renowned spiritual monk, HG Gaur Gopal Das from ISKCON. He mentioned an amazing theory about happiness in this world. It is like a sandwich: you find small moments of happiness (the delicious stuffing) squeezed between miseries (the two slices of bread). But wait. The concept of happiness is not clearly understood by people in general. The happiness of the mundane world through material means can be called "Sukh" (temporary pleasure) according to Vedic Bharatiya scriptures. The real happiness we are seeking can be called "Anand" (true happiness). Understanding the difference between these two can help you find the meaningful purpose of life, as the purpose of life is to find the purpose of life.

If you analyze and dig deeper, you will find that there is no permanent happiness in this world. Vedic Bharatiya (Indian) scriptures explain that the happiness of this world is not what we are actually seeking because we are spirit souls, not mundane bodies. Yes, the soul inside us is our real identity, not the body (made of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether). Our body is temporary, but we (as a soul) are immortal and eternal. If we die, we get another body, perhaps as plants, insects, animals, birds, human beings, or living entities on other planets. It's a long topic, but for the central theme of "happiness," we need to understand that it is us as souls who long for true happiness. However, as mentioned earlier, there is no real happiness in this world through mundane means. Therefore, we cannot satisfy our longing for true happiness here. But, there is a way to attain real happiness even in this world and after our death, which I will explain at the end of this article.

As souls, we always look for happiness that is ever-increasing, eternal (never ceases), and of the highest level. If you compare the happiness derived from mundane things like money, power, or position, you will find that it is not increasing (in fact, it decreases once we achieve it). It is not eternal or constant (it disappears after some time). And it is not the highest since you will find better and better (though temporary) happiness in this world. If you want to find real happiness even in this world, the best we can get is just a spark of true happiness. The Shrimad Bhagavad Gita (spoken by Supreme Lord Krishna) beautifully explains all these aspects. Reading this amazing book will provide you with a complete guide on the concept of life and answers to all important questions. Lord Krishna explains that real happiness is in his abode (where he resides eternally). It is not difficult to digest this fact if we think and analyze carefully. Since God is supposed to be great, true happiness (Anand) should be with him. If we connect with him, we can also attain this true happiness. Hence, the concept of Yoga (union with God) is quite meaningful in this context. In a nutshell, follow the process of Bhakti Yoga (recommended by Shri Krishna as the highest in the Bhagavad Gita) to attain true happiness in a simple manner.

Who is eligible to attain this true happiness? All living entities. Since we are all spirit souls, we are all eligible by default to attain true happiness. We are actually parts and parcels of the Lord (God). Therefore, anyone can attain true happiness if they follow the prescribed process given in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.

The proof of the pudding is in eating it. You need to experience true happiness to understand it. Start your journey to find the real happiness and you will get it(if you sincerely try to find out and follow the process). Ultimately, Will will find the way.

Stay tuned for more insightful articles.

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