Are you scheduling enough time for that difficult conversation?

Are you scheduling enough time for that difficult conversation?

Difficult conversations and bad timings appear to have resonated with a number of readers of this newsletter. A number of people contacted me, either to thank me for discussing this; sharing terrible situations they were put in and to state they are now highlighting this within their companies. Thank you; I am pleased this topic has resonated with so many readers; that you will be more aware of this and educate others to manage difficult conversations better. And I hope the English National Opera saga will be a case study of poor practice.

Something that one reader highlighted was not exclusively the timing of the difficult conversation, rather that not enough time was left for the conversation. In other words, for whatever reason, the ‘bad news’ was tagged onto another conversation so it was rushed; ‘dumped’ onto the person or team without any discussion so they felt bewildered, with many implications.?

If you rush a conversation, you risk missing a key part of the conversation; not allowing the other person to ask questions or rushing the outcomes/actions. It is hardly effective.

As leaders, however difficult these conversations are, we have to treat others with respect. We have to treat others as we would like to be treated and to be role models. We all remember managers or leaders who have treated us badly; I don’t want you to be remembered for this.

Here are three important points to consider to ensure you are leaving enough time for these conversations:

Time management on this conversation. Are you leaving enough time for this difficult conversation or have you planned too many items to discuss? Is it being pushed down the priority list of topics? If it is a difficult and important conversation - surely it should be the priority within any meeting and agenda. If for any reason, there is only limited time and in particular everything else overruns, you will need to extend this meeting or block off time the next day. It is really important to block off enough time. Even if the meeting goes okay, you might need a little time to relax!?

Preparation: Plan what you are going to say and specifically the outcomes and actions. If necessary seek specific advice from a more senior person in the organisation, especially if there are disciplinary conversations to have. If there are disciplinary issues, you might be advised to have a witness to the conversation, or someone to take notes.

Mindset: This is an interesting one. If you are delaying speaking to someone or even leaving this conversation so there is barely enough time to have a conversation, you need to ask why. Could you be avoiding the conversation? Could you be reducing the time of the conversation or meeting so the other person or people don’t have time to respond? Could this be deliberate? Could you be procrastinating to avoid the conversation? Ask yourself, what will happen if you don’t have this conversation and also how would you feel if someone rushes an important conversation with you? If you need some support; ask a more senior person for advice. You could even ask for someone to be in the room with you for support.

In April our prices are going up. I have discounted three one to one sessions before they go up on April 1st. You will see the April price and the discounted price. You can book now and then schedule your session for before July 1st 2024. Here are the three offers:

Our one hour session in a mirrored studio in Central London. This is focusing on your non-verbal communication skills. Posture, body language, facial expressions and gestures to ensure you make an impact in meetings, presentations and pitching.

A one hour virtual session where we could work on a specific challenge. Perhaps you have a job interview; you could be pitching for investment; preparing for a difficult conversation even presenting. This is a chance to focus specifically on this topic.

I have been a podcast host for 10 years. I have also been on many other podcasts as a guest. I am often asked how to pitch yourself as a podcast guest; who to approach; how to approach a podcast host. But also what else you can get out of the opportunity for visibility. We have created systems for all stages of your podcast guest experience: from pitching to following up and creating content for your own marketing.

If you want any more information about any of these sessions email [email protected] or book a call

Until next time,

Best wishes


Thank you very much for continuing to support the SuperStar Communicator newsletter.?

About the author:

Susan Heaton-Wright is the founder and creator of the SuperStar Communicator? methodology; international speaker, facilitator, coach, former international opera singer and former CEO of Viva Live Music.

Susan is best known for empowering emerging leaders all over the world to speak and communicate with clarity, confidence and credibility; through her speeches, by facilitating masterclasses and workshops and by coaching talented individuals. Since 2020 she has delivered virtual masterclasses and workshops to attendees from more than 130 countries world wide and has won a number of awards for her work.

She is curious for any changes in communication changes and especially in a technical world. Keeping the human element in communication is essential for the maximum impact! Susan co-hosts live streamed discussions with business leaders and is the co-host of the SuperStar Communicator Podcast.?

Why not challenge your communication skills with our 30 Day planner. Purchase here.

When not working, Susan designs and sews her own wardrobe; surfs, swims and plays the viola in an orchestra. She fundraises for the Alzheimers Society, The Isabel Hospice and supports the St Albans PostBoxes Charity.

Why not connect with her on Linkedin:

If you wish to arrange a call: you can book here:

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