Are you- Sales or Service driven Coach
As a young entrepreneur I was known to have an affinity with animals. I was also a good artist but abysmal in traditional academics. My study notes were filled more with doodles than the content needed to pass finals... thanks to my ADHD. (and this other thing)
My biology teacher was entertained and rather than scold me she made a valid point, "you know if you offer to help some of your classmates with drawing their diagrams & dissections for the big assignments, maybe you can trade for study notes." Hey, I graduated.
Fast forward 20 years I decided I would pursue my primary love. I became an entrepreneur in Equestrian coaching and Horse training. In this kind of industry BS was found on the outside of your boots not in them. It was word of mouth. My customer/ clients would sell me just as easily they could ruin me. My product as a trainer allowed me to thrive well for almost a decade. I produced results. I respected folks. I took care of horses as if they belonged to the Queen's Stable and most importantly my moral compass stayed true North.
Here I am today, 2020 a lot of water has passed under my bridges. I've lived 5 people's lifetimes. I have been through hell several times and found something deep inside to get up over and over. I was told from a PTSD Psychologist/ Oncologist PhD this was a gift and I should package it and sell it because through my story, I was inspiring people. I had what my equine community called "Horse Sense." - "Practical knowledge and good judgment about ordinary life. You know what, I am damn proud being real. I have been screwed over so many times. I lacked predator mentality/ awareness and vowed I would never do this to another person.
Thanks to two incredible coaches - Jack Canfield & Sean Smith, I knew my path... I needed to know how to walk it. Jack showed me to remain humble- never let success get to my head and never let failure get to my heart. Sean taught me I cannot fight a broken system and my anger was making me look like an activist, and the masses would tune me out, He suggested to become a champion to my "seeker" who do I serve & how do I solve their pain?
Sean provided an animal idiom akin to the concept there are two types of coaches - those who are financially driven and those who are heart driven. Not saying either are good or bad just different, both of these animals are similar they live in the same environment and are water creatures -
WATER, is contained within everything ... and humans are 65% water. However in a metaphysical capacity represents our conscious feelings and chosen relationships, the subconscious mind, divine feminine energy, fluidity, versatility, transformation, emotions, and clarity, Water comes in many forms such as clouds, liquid, fog, dew, snow and icicles and because of its array versatility, water also represents omnipresence.
Sharks have the thickest skin of any animal species, they are normally solitary, due to the design of their caudal fin which moves side to side, they can only swim forward, they have a triangular dorsal fin, they almost never sleep, have a grey torpedo body, rough exterior dorsal fin and they are coldblooded.
Dolphins are highly intelligent, highly sensitive, are sentient (self-aware) and can recognize themselves, they live in complex social structures, have many ways to communicate, they are known to help humans and rescue lives, they have a grey torpedo body , a triangular dorsal fin and a caudal fin which is horizontal and move up & down and have a pelvis, they breath surface air and are warmblooded.
How does this compare to the subject of coaching? Shark- coaches; They determine the best strategy and execute it with precision. They are not deterred or distracted. Those driven by sales, are like sharks, as they have laser focus on an opportunity, tend to be aggressive and do not allow fear, insecurity, or any other form of hesitation to take them away from the goal. They are accolade based, are the ultimate qualifiers, need to make decisions based on established criteria to either pursue or avoid people. They have high levels of activity - focused on creating new opportunities that they can place into the funnel and will cold call without fear..
Dolphin coaches; They are heart based & lead with stories which authentically connect. They are invested in the necessity of both water and air elements, (intuition and communication.) They are like dolphins in which they have a reputation to be service driven. They are playful, will build relationships, give constantly towards helping others, and choose to be invested long term. Dolphins consciously tell themselves to take time to breathe. They're gregarious and rely on having a pod to draw support from. They tend to avoid cold calling, would rather blog, use share spaces, tap into the senses & create a following for authentic connection and empathy for retention. They will spend additional time with those who are hurt.
There are those who relate to sharks and those who relate with dolphins. The public just needs to understand which entity they are dealing with for the purpose they are seeking. I encourage you to go to my site. For those who seek personal coaching.
#transformationalcoaching, #posttraumaticgrowth, #heartbasedcoaching, #sangelshaw