Are you a sales dog?

Are you a sales dog?

Have you ever seen it? The dog that runs after the packet of cakes? The one sticking out of the cupboard. It's there, in plain sight. You can see the purple and orange label sticking out. The greedy symbol of a bag of "Droolcrunchies." The name of the dog? Pavlov.

Pavlov rushes to the cupboard. He tries several times to bite the protruding strip. He risks damaging his fangs on the front but nothing stops him. He growls and growls. He tries several more times to open the cupboard door, which is barely blocked by the bag with his half-clawed paws. His heart will explode if he doesn't succeed. He squeals, he struggles! Suddenly, the cupboard gives way. The cupboard slides like a shopping trolley down a well-oiled aisle, spilling its contents onto the floor as the bag is torn open, the kibble scatters.?

The kibble rolls away. Rrr-rrr-rrrr-cloc.cloc.cloc.cloc, against the wall. Pavlov drools. He drags his large pink tongue along the floor with a loud yelp. Pavlov crunches. His eyes are wide open. His pupils are bright, black and dilated. The package is shattered, but there is not a single one left on the floor. Unless... Unless? Another label?

Pavlov's reflex

I was talking to an account executive a few weeks ago. He was complaining about being overworked. He was working to close sales opportunities from all sides. He had to run around signing all his potential deals, between one and three a day. All this work had three impacts on his daily life:?

  1. He was overwhelmed by his work?
  2. He had no time for himself
  3. He was not going to achieve his goals

The compromise he was prepared to make to earn more money and get promoted was to work more hours. He had resigned himself to working long days, even if it meant taking time away from his personal life: fewer nights out, half-worked weekends, long days. In the morning: it's dark. In the evening, when he gets home: it's dark. That's fine.?

However, the signatures he was chasing like crazy were of such a negligible amount compared to his quotas that he was running from deal to deal without it being a deal for him. A deal, a sale. One deal, one sale. A deal at the tip of his nose? Go-go-go! Our friend looked more like Pavlov than the elite salesman he had set out to be.

Are you like Pavlov ?

"I don't understand." - he said.

"The more I work, the worse it gets. My manager can see that I'm working hard, but it's endless. He encourages me but doesn't understand why I don't get results. He is starting to doubt me while my colleagues look at me out of the corner of their eyes, without much more value." - his gaze became nostalgic.

Does this speak to you? Does it sound familiar? Are you feeling a "déjà vu" story?

Click and share a word in the comments.


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