Are You Safe?
Each time we hear, “being safe,” or “Safety,” the context is usually “safety,” from the world of illusion from Illusion-based thinking, into Reality-based thinking. It’s interesting how whether it’s religion or spirituality; whether it’s philosophy, or metaphysics, or sciences, there is a crossroad among all these five systems of thoughts, and this crossroad is the Truth, Reality, the Constant, and the One.
What is that Truth, Reality, One, that is shared by all five major systems? The Neuroscience based concept is Reality-Based Thinking. According to Neuroscience, we do not see, hear, or feel what we think we see, hear, or feel [1]. We do not perceive the way we think we do. The object of our perception is not as objective as we may want to believe. Rather, it is subjective at best, and that is not all. According to Neuroscience, we do not live in an outside-in world, as we think we do. Rather, we live in an inside-out world, though we barely realize it.
While it may be common knowledge by now that we live in a subjective world, the collective understanding of what that really means is limited. Yes, it is all a subjective world, which makes the “truth,” or “reality,” subjective. But that “truth,” or “reality,” that we call subjective is just that, “truth,” with a lower-case “t,” reality with a lower-case “r,” as opposed to “Truth,” or “Reality,” with an upper case “T” and “R” respectively.?
Let’s start by contrasting “reality,” with “Reality”:
Are you safe? You are designed to be safe. No one or no thing [3] can ever interfere with your safety other than yourself. You interfere with your safety without you knowing that you do. In fact, 97% of the time you do so, you are not even aware that you do. This means the next best step for you to stop interfering is to raise your level of awareness, your level of consciousness, which is your Decisional Factor.??
Are you ready?
Let’s talk again soon,
Karen and Mardoche