Are you running more webinars during quarantine? Using Twitter is a great way to connect with people while it's happening.
As you've been building up your Twitter presence, incorporating live events, such as webinars, into your strategy builds relationships between you, your brand, and your audience.
Your webinar strategy is mapped out ahead of time, and this should carry over to your Twitter strategy. (If you don't have one, email me to get help creating it.)
Questions asked during your webinar can also be asked on Twitter. This helps to build your brand online.
Have a staff member (or super amazing social media consultant *hint* *hint*) on-hand to tweet out the questions, and respond to your audience, during the webinar.
Don't get frustated at your first few attempts. A social media following takes time to curate.
Incorporate a specific hashtag for your webinar that is unique. Do a Twitter search to see if any tweets have used that hashtag before.
(This is important! I once saw a golf course use a hashtag that was very popular in the gay clubbing community. Oopsie!)
You'll want to continue using the same hashtag for every webinar.
Inform your Twitter audience of upcoming events, including your regularly-scheduled webinars.
Twitter has a pin-to-top feature, which you can use to showcase your next event.
Questions on Twitter? Email me for a $50 lesson.