Are you running a business or do you have a hobby?

Are you running a business or do you have a hobby?

For anyone who knows me, they'll tell you I'm not backwards at going forwards! I've always been a believer in honesty and straight talking. Time is finite and although I believe you can make your own time, I don't believe in wasting time in going around the houses to get to the point.

I've been an Entrepreneur since 2006, and when I started Anna Wood Bridal countless people told me that I wouldn't make a profit for the first 3 years! Apparently that was just normal for Bridal Boutiques. Two things came to mind at that point. Firstly why would I want to wait to make a profit? It wasn't like I was developing a business where sales could not be made straight away. Secondly I am at heart rebellious... If everyone is doing something over there I'm not interested! I want to do something different and find my own way!

You may ask what has this got to do with whether you are running a business or whether you have a habit? Well mainly because when you start a business emotions get involved.. and thats where the problems start. For many business owners they ARE the business, their advice is the product: many feel that knock backs are a direct reflection on them. They aren't. I'm a great believer in aligned business - that you and your clients must be aligned. You can't please everyone, and if you try and do so you end up pleasing no-one.

So how are emotions connected with this subject? To work out whether you are running a business or a hobby you need to look at two main things:

  • The first one what is your actual earnings (Be really honest with yourself)? Are you earning a lot less than when you were employed? This can be a harsh reality check, and I'd suggest that if you are not feeling like you want to check, then the likelihood is it's because deep down you already know the answer. When you do this exercise be honest with yourself about the hours that you are actually working. We are all great at making excuses when we need to!
  • Secondly, are you putting your heart and soul into your business, and you don't have a life outside it? Are you starting to resent your business? Or is your business causing issues within your relationships.

Now is an amazing time to really review your life and business or career and look at where you are and where you want to be. Do you know in your heart of hearts that you are not charging your worth? Do you have Imposter Syndrome, and feel that everyone else around is far more qualified than you? Are you looking at others who are less qualified and wondered how they appear to be earning more than you or are more successful? Do you struggle to release control in your life and business? Are any of these holding you back?

I invite you to ask yourself some questions to the heart of the matter.

1) Are you really happy and fulfilled?

2) Are you working far more hours than you ever did when you were employed?

3) Do you feel that you are really charging your actual worth based on your level of experience and qualifications?

Are any of these causing issues within your life or homelife?

If the answers to any of the above are not what you would really like and you're looking to make changes to ensure you are running a business and charging your worth book a free clarity call with me


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