Are you running a business that is not achieving what it could?
Eliot Steve
我帮助企业主发展业务,向他们展示使销售和营销流程自动化,改善销售技巧并赢得更多付费客户的方法。 Wǒ bāngzhù qǐyè zhǔ fāzhǎn yèwù, xiàng tāmen zhǎnshì shǐ xiāoshòu hé yíngxiāo liúchéng zìdònghuà, gǎishàn xiāoshòu jìqiǎo bìng yíngdé gèng duō fùfèi kèhù de fāngfǎ.
Are you running a business that is not achieving what it could?
Yes, I understand how difficult the current situation is for most businesses, but this won’t last forever, business owners need to prepare NOW for the future.
The way I see it, there are 3 reasons people fail:
1. They don’t know what they want so they don’t know what to do.
You have to set clear goals if you want to hit them. Aim small, miss small.
2. They believe who they are is fixed and they can’t learn dramatically new things. If you were to give my business as it is now to the person I was when I started out, I would fail. I had to undergo radical transformation in order to become successful - a price had to be paid. This process changed me, and as I have seen over and over, if you’re not willing to change, you’re not going to succeed.
3. They think their thoughts and reasoning are the objective truth. Eyewitness testimony should be open and shut case for a prosecutor but that’s hardly the case. The reason is that human memory and thoughts are subject to many variables, and our knowledge is shaped by what we perceive. People that aren’t ready to understand that they’re wrong are not ready to change what’s wrong.
As someone who has failed often, I can tell you that these three reasons are what held me back.
And overcoming them has been what’s defined my life.
I am offering an online workshop for anyone who wants to take control of their business and start living a successful business life.
Using a mix of workbooks, video tutorials, group communication and 1-2-1 coaching (if required) you will receive and totally understand how to make the most of your time, maximise the effectiveness of your team and increase considerably the money
1. TIME: How to stop working long hours in your business, dispense with the evening and weekend working, when did you last have a holiday?
This course will change the way you work.
2. TEAM: Nobody can do the job as well as you can! Staff just cause stress!
I need help but just can’t find it!
The course will help you understand how to be an employer of choice, how to employ an effective team and how to make money from a growing team.
3. MONEY: This is the biggest challenge of them all, funnily enough it’s often the easiest to fix. The course will show you how to charge the right price, get the money in quickly and give you fabulous returns on your investment of time and money.
4. How to automate your sales process to regularly get and keep customers
5. How to identify a real problem in the market and package your service for people that need it. The reality is nobody cares about your social media following, your website, or even if you’ve had any previous clients if you can actually solve a real problem.
I have helped so many businesses achieve their goals with face to face coaching and strategy development, it’s now time to make this course available to a wider audience
If you’re ready to learn how to focus on becoming successful, to become a great business owner and are prepared to invest some time and money short term in exchange for achieving your goals, long term PM me now to understand how this subscription-based course works.
Take care, Steve.