You Rock, You Rule, and the wishes of December's Snowflakes that descend softly all around

You Rock, You Rule, and the wishes of December's Snowflakes that descend softly all around

You're honey Child to a swarm of bees, gonna blow right through you like a breeze...

Let me start here first by saying You Rock.?

And in the off chance that showered and slid off your beautiful shoulders a tad to fast, allow me to express that truth once more:?

You Rock!, like all 80's rock ballads kinda of style, spinning and swirling and skipping sweet!

Breath that sentiment in and let that sink deep into to your electrons...?

That's a sentiment and expression that we all deserve to hear more often?but seldom do.

You're an orchestra?of music that is nothing short of Divine!

So get up and dance into this day surrounded in the Celestial Light knowing incontrovertible and with any denial that You stir the very winds of the Timeless and the Choir of the Cosmos is singing out your name!?

Got no reason here to take up your precious?time other than to express my gratitude for who you are and to offer up the sweet scent of what only love can deliver.?Only you can be you, and that inherently is the essence of your exquisite power.?

Earlier today I was graced to hear the voice of my Sweetest of Friends.?She lifts me up into the very orbits of higher levels that achieve and redefine the definition of the very word "elevation".?With such effortlessness, She helps me touch the very exquisite Gates Herself of Heaven.? She lifts my stratospheres, orbiting my worlds into colors indescribable. Rainbows in my eyes, obstacles reduced, and galaxies spinning sexy and glorious stars collapsing. She reminds the strings of my sails to hold the?line when all seems?lost and lonely and She charges up the bank account of my spirit.?Ain't no cancellation of the credit card of my spirit.?

That may sound a little hokey and admittedly contrived Hallmarky here, but my fondest wish for each of you is holding the hope you each have a sounding?board that takes your spirit to worlds without words, both grounded down into the dirt of Terra Firma of what lays before you and simultaneously?raises you above the murky mire that?you sometimes feel like you're drowning in, showing you the Doors of the Divine.?

"Forever Friends", as I like to call them, have the power to render gravity powerless.?We all need them. Like oxygen and chocolate and cotton candy and hot cups of cocoa, each of us deserve to have that one person that causes us to sing out of tune and sing out loud.?

So let's get going here...

As we now have collectively kissed November of 2022 goodbye, saying Sayonara!, Adios and Arrivederci, and See ya later Baby!, and we begin to now dance into the delicious delicacies onto the discotheque dance floor?of December, I pause and pivot here, spinning wild with my roller skates strapped on tight, purposefully looking back across my left shoulder?with wonder and wishes of the year that has slipped underneath the silky sands of Time. I look back upon the landscape of what was ached to be achieved and stand in awe of what was lassoed up.?With welcoming wintery eyes and eagerly enthusiastic pumped up legs full of love and loss and learnings, I say let's slide down the surface of all things in this final month of this epic year, racing hard upon us, one that began full?of possibilities and purposes, some captured, others that ran away from us like horses over the hills, and we held our breath throughout it all, a hurt and hum running in the atomic veins of our souls and a healing that beats simultaneously through the chambers of our hearts, a year of disappointments and desires and hopefully dreams achieved.?

Such is life.?C'est la vie ma chérie.?But hey!, you made it here to December!, and not everyone can make that statement.?

Time is a funny thing.? Seems like the longer we are graced to live, the more wisdom and wants we are granted to attain, and thank you Einstein for the whole Theory of Relativity, the more pain we must be wrapped up in.?With such sweetness abounding all around, prints as sweet as cream, presuming you can tune into the music spinning, you crunched and crushed the waves and made it to this milestone.?But we all still need to work on changing the dirty little crows of our hearts and turn them into into white washing doves.? The Host of Heaven knows I need to. And I know you can do this.?That beautiful candle exists inside you and is inextinguishable.

In life, when you engage in the colors of the Ethereal, there is equally a scale of pain?we must endure.?And at times that pain can suck hard.?Lonely and lost, but we sail towards that shoreline. Consequently, this moves and maneuvers us sideways and it's all to easy to sway away from the Light.?It's an easy slippery slide down the slope to go and grow inoculated and numb to the needs of others, indeed even our own, and despite an Heavenly umbrella, the weather we embrace can be sweeping and stormy sometimes.?The Chalice given to us each can be become a maker of victor or victim or vampire, and we slide silently and slowly towards a personal oblivion.? I see it daily.? People all around me are so raced and ragged and ravaged and raged up, trying to muscle?their way on the streets, punching fists upwards and tossing elbows, cutting off strangers, pushing their own grocery cart full of needs before another, crushing and crashing towards the frontline not realizing that the needs of the other are as tantamount as their own.?

We gotta slow it down.?Try to take a little more time to enjoy the sacrosanct moments all around us, to down shift and recognize the sounds and scents and sensualities of this final month of this year.? We'll never be here in this moment again... so seize it.

In this breakneck pace we run through these days, I don't believe we intentionally mean to race through the lanes and lines on the Autobahn of Life.? Rather, I think we have been forced into a society architected?to keep us perpetually?distracted?and not focused on what matters most.?

Which in my humble opinion, is family, friends and the fondest people that sway our individual hearts towards the shores of lightness and laughter and love.?

Life runs so fast. Hither here, dither there, attend to this and attain to that, and don't look back.? But I ask of you:? Try to breath and slow it down.?

For when was the last time you hit the brakes, crushed down your own walls and tore apart your defenses, took off your shoes, turned around, cranked the radio, hugged the moment and the people that matter most around you, saying with all the effort and efflorescence of your soul: "You mean?all the Waters and Waves of the Oceans of Time to me. ?I'll step up now to the mic, karaoke my soul to the stage of your precious soul, lower my guard and I'll follow you into the next room until there is no oxygen?left just to kiss you with all of my waves..."?

Kindness and patience is something that we could all use a little more these days, stuffed into Christmas stockings of our souls and spirits and sins left sideways.? A little less bravado and a little more humility ~ and the difference?is magnificent?in what it can accomplish when we lower our guard.?Kindness and a soft, sincere smile will build bridges and cross chasms between two souls, indeed between countries and cultures, the very lands that we individually hail from.?We all breath the same air and hold the same dreams for our children.?

Maybe I'm babbling.?I tend to do that, especially when I haven't slept in a bit.?My heart's just hoping as the snowflakes of December fall and the palm trees sway that we as a country and as a current collective society here on this precious stone we call Earth we can find the courage to all disarm the weaponry that I know we carry inside, lower the tone of our voices so we raise the level of what counts, and maybe, just maybe reach each other's shorelines a little more softly.? After all, as the saying goes, "Tis the Season."

And speaking of the Season, you are the reason for hope. Never forget the power you possess to change the world of another by simply being you and being kind. Be it a simple gesture?or a soft word or the sweetness in your eyes as you engage.? Kindness echoes throughout the winds of Time, as do your movements and maneuvers, so let your legacy be one of kindness that rings through the Halls of Eternity.?

No matter your role in life, be it a street sweeper or a CEO and any and all manners that wave in between, no matter what you do as a profession, what you do means all the world to the Stars Above, for They take note and notice and nod in your direction, and the simplest of the sincere motions and emotions stirs the Choir of the Cosmos.?

You are the Reason for this Season.

So Welcome to December!? Hug your mom deep, if you can, and hug your children a little longer than normal, even if they protest and express embarrassment {they'll love it in the days to come!}. And high five your neighbors and random strangers left and right, and let the gorgeous rainbows of your soul take flight, flooding and filling and flowing over the brim.?

And remember, You Rock so Wonderfully...

So glad you're here.?


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