Are you on the road to somewhere or nowhere…? - Javnyuy Joybert

Are you on the road to somewhere or nowhere…? - Javnyuy Joybert

Are you on the road to somewhere or nowhere…?

If you are not different from who you were 6 months ago, then we need to step up our game of personal transformation.?

You see, I do not just share these insightful, life and career changing content to you for sharing sake....I do because I desire to see you shine & fly. Which I strongly believe you can live your best days

If you are not different, then here are some possible reasons;

1. You do not read them at all & you ignore as if it is just a forward as received message

2. You read, get excited but go back to your hold habits without taking new actions

3. You have lost hope in yourself, your future with no desire to change

4. The insightful messages I sent do not resonate with you or inspire you to be more (I am not doing my job well)

5. You have not really sat down to analyze your life & ask important questions like

- What is it I am really trying to accomplish?

- Where do I need to make some changes?

- What new steps can I take to put my life on a new trajectory?

- How much of my time and attention is on things that don’t really matter?

6. You focus on blaming others like the government, motivational speakers instead of making strong decisions to rise

If you are experiencing growth, transformation, happiness, change, strategic positioning I say super congratulations & do not relent.?

Let me ask you... How much attention are you giving your life? Can you boldly say it is enough attention??


Follow these 2 important sessions;

1. Optimizing Results Through Innovative Mindset/Patterns (Law of Innovation) by Javnyuy Joybert

2. When You Follow God, Something Valuable Must Follow You with Dr Javnyuy Joybert


Your attention can be measured by the kind of decisions & actions you take to enhance your life in the right direction.

On average 45000+ people read from me through email newsletters, WhatsApp broadcast lists & groups, Facebook pages & groups, 3000+ watch my youtube videos and daily I receive incredible testimonies from people who have made strong decisions to stop valuing the things that sabotage & incapacitate their success and chose to focus on the activities & actions that make the biggest difference in their lives. This is always my greatest desire from these morning newsletters, to masterclasses, paid coaching & consulting services. The goal is the same, which is causing Peak Performance & Unforgettable Transformation.

By December 2022, will you be 10x different from who you are today?

Don’t wait too long when you know it’s time to change

Do not relent; do not be distracted, the best days of our lives are ahead of us.


Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable?


#success #innovation


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