Are You on The Right Path?

Because of ego, each person sticks with his?or her ideas and refuses to listen to the others. They all grasp at or cling to their dogmatic ideas. In the end, they suffer depression, anxiety, distress and upset. When they denigrate or humiliate others, they feel pleasant and when others answer back ?they suffer distress. Is it worthwhile?

The smart ones avert the unwholesome responses and evoke the wholesome ones. This action will ?relieve their hardship and sufferings. A good guy has?transcended from all sensual activities.

Buddhists are not conducting a business. They don’t have do’s and don’t do or thou shalt and thou shalt not.

Consciousness is a natural condition. It is definitely not a person or a self. Even the body is not our self. When the mind leaves, the body dies.?Please go in to enjoy the joyfulness and serenity of mind.

Not allowing it to become fascinated by forms, sounds, odours, flavours, physical sensations and mental phenomena is the essence of meditation techniques. Don’t waver when you see forms, hear sounds, beautiful or ugly, and don’t be deceived no matter how delicious the taste of the food is. Develop your mind and establish it in the present moment. The mind is formless and not subject to pains.??Everything is a passing affair. A person who is very closed to Nibbana ?is ?undistracted and undeceived by external matters.

The Buddha did not claim that he could remove suffering from the world as an Almighty God. Buddhists are not conducting a business. They don’t have do’s and don’t do’s, or thou shalt and thou shalt not.

Almost every religion claims it is the only true religion, with an almighty God. Which one should you follow??Which one is real?

The ability to see ghosts or to communicate with them can be acquired through meditation. The dimension of the ghosts is like a TV screen. When you have the right remote control, you can click on it to view it.

The only reason why many religious teachers ban meditation is that after many years of practice, a practitioner can attain a higher level and will have the ability to enter the dimensions of ghosts and gods. By then all the lies told by the religious teachers will be exposed.

The practice of meditation is like a child learning to crawl. After crawling he learns to stand up. Then he learns to walk, and then run. Later on, he will be able to jump. ?Bend the middle finger on the palm, the point it touches the palm is the point which energy leaves your body.

Buddhists believe there are trillions of other world systems where life exist and Buddhism is taught.??Our body is just the body, not an animal, human or self, not we, not they. A person may claim he knows a lot about Buddhism. But he may be just like the spoon not knowing the taste of the soup.

For an untrained person, the mind gets more and more worn out?every day. ?Buddha did not say life was suffering. He said there was suffering in life.?For a true Buddhist, ?there is no need to depend on anything from outside, you depend on your power and potential. ?The pain in the mind, the mental anguish, and distress?which torture you cannot be removed by other people.

Practising ?meditation and mindfulness will lead you to freedom, which cannot be obtained by scholarly ?study of the teachings. Buddhism is about ultimate freedom which is accessible to all of us.?Sufferings crop up because of attachment to desire. Sufferings cease when desire ceases.?Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the eight-fold path. Buddhist precepts ?were introduced by the Buddha. They were not written down on stone slab and handed over to a holy man by an unseen being on our planet earth. Why was that being shy to show his face?

The Buddha occasionally used the wheel of life to illustrate his teachings.

We cannot understand aching if we change posture too often?during meditation. The pain gradually reduces until it ceases.

If you attach to your feeling when your mind is happy and you die at that moment, you will go to heaven. Mind is a natural state that thinks of objects and can perceive the emotion for a long time like a tape recorder.

If we memorize too much of the bad we can have neurosis; if we memorize the good, we can be clever. Arahants during the time of the Buddha with Phra Maha Kassapa Thera, presiding, convocated to settle ?questions of doctrine ?and fix the text of the Scriptures, in order to reside, memorize and record the Tipitaka as the text reference that has been studied and practiced until today.

Nibbana?is the unconditioned,?the deathless state, ?the extinction of all defilements and suffering.?When a person does not attach to pleasant feeling, it is the beginning of the ending of suffering in future. Once the cause ends the sign of the mind ceases on its own. The mind has no form and cannot be seen. It is not physical.



The effort should not dwindle if the required state has not been attained, even though the bones may only be wrapped by the skin. When your faith is not powerful, it can be demolished by demerit.The one who practices has to refrain from association with those who do not practice the foundation of mindfulness.

The one who practices has to associate with those who have correctly practiced the foundation of mindfulness and understand them well, in order to exchange experience. The uneducated one cannot understand and be proficient in the planes of insight meditation. Associate with moral people who are well composed and do not talk nonsense. Once rapture is pacified, calmness can be experienced. Kamma exists according to cause and effect, not according to requirement, or the wishes of that Almighty God.

No one can undo previous deeds, but yourself. ?So remain emotionally neutral ?as you practice and transfer the merits to those whom you owed, and also ask for their forgiveness. Your debts will be repaid eventually. It takes time, just like our debts on the commercial banks. To reach perfection, you need mindfulness, wisdom, effort, faith and concentration. So you fine-tune the deficient ones and move on, and don’t incite or provoke.

A practitioner must have proper qualification like true faith. He must be debt-free, healthy, free of serious illness, infectious disease, or mental illness. And most importantly, he must be a disciplined person so that he is able to follow every rule.

The mind of a bad, stupid person stagnates. Performing bad deeds causes the mind to stop.

A person who has good facial feathers cannot be bad.

Piles of knowledge flooding one’s head can drown a person.

Sleepiness, lust fire, anger fire, and ignorance fire, will cause morose in your mind.

Must be thankful to our parents and older relatives who brought us up to be well to do as we are now.

Perform evil deeds by getting drunk, etc. Your father gave you your heart and your mother gave you your blood. Where else you find your father and mother?

Make merits, forsake evil deeds, and refrain from paths of ruin.?Aim of meditation?is?allowing things to arise, recognizing them, and let them go ( a cleaning process).?Meditation also stimulates the flow of endorphin which we need for the body to function properly. The calm mind during meditation inhibits the flow of adrenalin which is harmful because it causes our body organs to malfunction.?Vigorous mindfulness meditation can lower cortisol levels, and blood pressure, increase immune response and affect gene expression, can also have an impact on the structure of the brain itself.

Buddhist monks who have logged at least 10000 hours of meditation time had brains with more functional connectivity than novice meditators. These monks therefore have a higher state of consciousness.

10000 hours = 3.5 years of training with ?8 hours practice per day

Extending back into the infinite past, you can go on forever and yet cannot find the beginning.

The new being inherits the results of volitional energy generated ?the thoughts, speech and physical actions, since the infinite past. This being is not the same as the previous one but he is also not a different person.The body is not you. The mind is not you. Does that matter? Let us assume the body is the seed, the mind is the tree, and when the mind matures, the flower blooms. This flower is the Buddha nature. It attains Nibbana.

For the Arahants, death is a process to attain Nibbana.?We are here to learn, mature, and prepare for Nibbana. Detachment does not mean not concerned. ?We learn to solve our own problems.

To develop yourself, try your best to be mindful in everything that you do. When you are not mindful, defilements increase.

















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