You on the right path

You on the right path

Imagine that the company you work for is a railway, it runs several trains and it needs to be always in safe and well-managed conditions. The employee, in this case you, is in this railway simply the train, responsible for doing the tasks correctly and following all determined standards, with consistency and dedication. You are the driver of the train and you must exercise all the functions with the maximum of competence and security so that another train passes and the road is always free. The lines of this railroad are the functions that you follow, pre determined by the control room, which in the case is your boss. Following these lines is to follow the right path, without slowness or problems.

But for a railroad to flow well and all parts are connected it requires communication, which must be done with clear and straightforward words, fast and precise solutions and following the levels of charges.

If a problem arises on the train or the line, the control room should talk and look for the best solution so that everything will flow again, however, companies change a lot of trains without knowing the real problem by taking the old phrase: time is money. And if they do not change, the lack of communication is aggravated by the stress and pressure of the control room and other trains wanting to pass, and in that, the train is not heard, the problem is often not solved, a deviation is placed in the line life goes on. It requires clear communication between all parties, and the science that one part is nothing without the other, and that if everyone works for the same ideal, there will be no room for failure.

Text: Denis Carvalho.


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