Are you riding the wave of Reels to create brand awareness for your company or are you missing the boat?
Jill Wright
Event Coordinator for the Nail Tech Event of the Smokies nail show in Gatlinburg, TN.
Social media can literally help make or break a business & the choice is up to you. Keeping current with the algorithms of the most popular social media platforms where the majority of your customers are hanging out is crucial to gaining market share over your competition (both known & unknown). Gone are the days of direct mailing, Yellow Pages phone book ads, plus radio & TV ads that nobody listens to nor watches. Social media platforms are where the majority of consumers can be reached now, so understanding how they work is extremely important to business growth.
In this photo I've diagramed the metrics so you can understand the impact 1 Reel can have as opposed to making 1 social post.
For a while now the Meta algorithms (Facebook & Instagram) have been heavily favoring Reels which are videos up to 90 seconds in length since people (aka your customers) prefer watching short videos instead of reading posts with or without a photo/image which thru the Meta funnel are released for views to a narrow audience. This means fewer people see your post which is purposely designed to encourage businesses to spend their money "boosting" a post or creating an "ad campaign".
Notice even with the TikTok watermark on this video, it still performed exceptionally well on Facebook Reels from last July to September when this photo was taken of my laptop screen. In that short 2-3 month time span my 1 video reached over 77,000 plays & over 86,000 views (a difference of 9,000 people not interested in playing the video when you subtract 77k from the 86k who did play it).
Since I always put my web address "" directly onto each video, that means over 86,000 people saw my web address thanks to this 1 short educational video about toenail reconstruction. Factor in the multiple Reels I upload daily, the ability to reach a wider audience grows exponentially. So ask yourself this....what single post using 1 photo could you possibly make that would still be viewed 3 months later by 86,000 people?
The answer most likely is none since posts are buried farther down the feed as new posts are made on top of them. Because the social algorithms change over time, I cannot emphasize enough how urgent it is that you capitalize on FREE marketing by using Reels. But if you don't want to put in the effort learning how to create short video content for the audience (i.e. the whole world), believe me your competition certainly will & is already doing so right now snatching up customers that could've been yours.
Look.... I'm at the tail end of being a Boomer, so I wasn't born knowing all this social media stuff either. Heck, I never even touched a computer until I was in my 30's! I vividly remember the days pre-internet & literally everything I know about social media I've taught myself. If I can do it, so can you. There are plenty of FREE YouTube videos to teach you, too & if you Google "how to create Facebook & Instagram Reels" then even more articles will come up, (if watching videos is not your jam).
I get the arguments.... you're busy, he's busy, she's busy, we're all busy, so you just can't possibly squeeze out the time to learn all this social media stuff. But that 100% comes down to just one thing.....priorities. It's just not that important to you.
We all waste pockets of time during our day & those little pockets of time all add up to even more time wasted by the end of our day, wouldn't you agree?
I've been far more productive running my business since Dec. 31st, 2019 when I gave up watching TV as a social experiment just to see how long could I go without it. At first I missed my 2 favorite shows (Yellowstone & Vikings), but then I gradually lost interest in them & to this day still haven't turned on my TV. Instead I replaced that bad habit with a better habit. I love learning new things on YouTube & TikTok, plus reading articles about harnessing social media to grow my business as well as the power of networking. Now I simply have no desire to partake in the time wasting, mindless act of watching TV programs of which have zero benefit on my personal life or on my business.
So the choice is up to you, but just imagine what utilizing Facebook & Instagram Reels could do for YOUR business!
*If you'd like me to create more brand awareness for your nail company, the 2023 Nail Tech Event of the Smokies Sponsorship Opportunities are available by emailing me at [email protected] & visit to learn more about us.