You are R.I.C.H

You are R.I.C.H

You may not look like it now, but you are it.

Dear High Performer,

God spoke:

“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature.

God blessed them: ????

“Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge*!

“Everything God created has a specific purpose, an assignment, it’s meant to fulfill on the earth.” – Mike Murdock

Everything created contains an instruction to solve a specific problem.

These instructions are invisible yet cannot be doubted.

Within the watermelon seed is the instruction to produce watermelon fruit.

It is impossible to see this instruction, even with a microscope, yet it cannot be denied.

The watermelon fruit is proof of the existence and authenticity of the instruction in the watermelon seed.

Similarly, you and I have an instruction in us to prosper and succeed.

An invisible instruction to reflect the abundant nature of God. ?

If we have the instruction to succeed and prosper inside us,

Then why do people struggle?

With all the potential to achieve great things,

Why is it that some people can’t seem to get ahead?

Because potential does not automatically translate to profit.

Intelligence doesn’t equal income.

Neither does desire guarantee reward.

People struggle because they don’t know who they are.

It’s amazing that with all our superior intelligence, it is human beings who struggle with their identity.

Birds are not confused about who they are.

Fishes are not trying to be like birds.

Tomatoes are not envious of watermelons.

At the root of every financial struggle is the battle of identity.

It’s like how my mentor Dr. Sam Adeyemi puts it.

Have you ever gotten up close and personal with a tree and heard it groaning and straining as it tries to produce its fruits?

The tree just is.

The fruits of the tree are a consequence of its alignment with the instruction inside it.

Similarly, we struggle, groan, and moan when we try to get on the outside something different from what we have inside.

Success, in finances or any area, is first within, then without.

It’s who you are before it becomes what you do.

It’s about aligning?with the instruction God put in you to prosper.

When we align with the original instruction God put in us to prosper, the results will speak for themselves.

How do we do this? ? ?

Remove Negative Labels

Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man…

And honorable…

He was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leper**.

What is a negative label?

Negative labels are the ‘buts’ that people put on us because of past challenges or present circumstances.

Just mention the names below and you know the ‘buts’ associated with them.




Peter Denier.

Contemporary versions of ‘buts’ will be:

That colleague who walks funny,

The neighbor who has bulgy eyes and loves to stare,

Or the shop attendant who talks too much.

Labeling people?

We are all guilty of doing it.

Why do we do it?

One reason?


I believe since we have so many things we’re trying to process in our heads,

It’s just easier to put people in a box, label the box, and put it in a corner,

So that we can free up more brain bytes to process new information coming at us.

The challenge is that we’ve heard some of these labels people have put on us for so long,

We’ve come to accept them as truth.

Your worldly worth is closely related to your self-worth.

To get to the next level in our finances, we need to identify those negative labels holding us back.

Whatever label you wear, you are going to produce what that label says.

People have told you,

‘You’re too quiet.’

‘You are not sociable,’

And you have accepted it.

To the extent that you describe yourself as;

Not Funny.

Not Outgoing.

Not good at holding conversations.

Not great at relating with people.

It is labels like these that hold us back in our finances, relationships, and other aspects of our lives.

It’s time to let go of these convenient but false stories that have kept us in one spot.

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

If Jesus walked into your social situation would the people find him fun, humorous, and relatable?

Would people like him and want to do business with him?

Of course, they would.

If he can do it, then you can do it too.

Just because people (or you) have called you one thing for so long doesn’t mean it’s true.

People don’t determine your destiny, God does.

He knows the incredible gifts, talents, abilities, and dreams he put in you.

Within you is the divine instruction to prosper and succeed.

He didn’t create you shortchanged or lacking in any area.

You can either believe the lies...

Or you can dare to go for your dreams and become all you are created to be.?

Identify Yourself the Right Way

As it is written and forever remains written,

“Jacob I loved (chose, protected, blessed),

But Esau I hated (held in disregard compared to Jacob)***.”

You know the feeling.

As a child, it’s that anxiousness you feel when the team captain or teacher has to pick someone to represent the school at that competition.

As a teenager, it’s the shortness of breath you get when you are checking the list or opening the letter to see if you got the admission.

As an adult, it’s the near-death experience of going on bended knees, praying and hoping you didn’t misread the signs, and she says ‘no.’


Whether we admit it or not, it’s one of our greatest fears.

It is one of the reasons we don’t go after what we truly desire.

We say we want the dream, but somewhere deep in our psyche is the fear that the dream doesn’t want us.

That we will be told we don’t qualify.

That we will be told ‘no.’

The good news is how can you be told?‘no’ when you are an embodiment of ‘yes?’

How can you fail when you are success personified?

You already won the biggest lottery of the universe – being born.

Out of 400 trillion sperm cells, you, and you alone, were chosen.

400 trillion.

Those are the odds, the obstacles, the disadvantages you overcame to be born; to be a human being.

And that’s the point.

You are not a human doing.

You are a human being.

The foundation of your financial success is hardwired into who you are not what you do or don’t do.

Who are you?

You are chosen.

You need to say this to yourself as often as possible until it gets into your heart.

There’s a lot of talk about how you and I are worthy, loved, and enough, and that’s very true.

At the foundation of all that is the truth – you are chosen.

Anytime you are tempted to doubt if you are loved or worthy because of the things coming against you, just remember – you are chosen.

You are loved because you are chosen.

You are enough because you are chosen.

You are worthy of financial success because you are chosen.

Once we can Identify ourselves the right way, and understand who we are, we can then move to the next step.?

Challenge Yourself Beyond Your Current Capabilities

Man looks at the outward, but God looks at the heart****.

Just like you can’t tell the future of the apple seed by the way it looks,

There’s more to you than meets the eye.

There are gifts, talents, abilities, and wisdom in you waiting to be released that you couldn’t possibly imagine now.

This is why you can’t afford to make plans or set goals based on past challenges, or present circumstances.

Your current skill-set or network doesn’t determine how far you go in life.

There is treasure in you, but the only way that treasure will find expression is by placing a demand on it.

Any goal you set that you know how to do is a task and not a goal.

Challenge yourself.

There are dreams that look impossible that God has already empowered you to accomplish;

Go after them.

As long as the apple seed sits pretty on the shelf, that’s the most it will ever be.

But put it in the ground and it becomes something different; its wealth is released.

In what way are you going to challenge and stretch yourself in this season?

Wealth is in you, but it needs a demand to be placed on it for it to be released.

Challenging yourself doesn’t only imply setting big goals;

It can also involve a change in the way you used to do things.

To change an attitude or to stop a habit that you have accepted as normal.

A very good example is always borrowing or asking for handouts.

There’s a way that a person can become so used to debt, that it becomes nearly impossible to imagine a life without it.

There’s nothing normal about being indebted.

The borrower will always be a servant to the lender.

When the first thought towards resolving any financial challenge is to borrow or ask for a handout,

We subconsciously give the wealth in us permission to go to sleep.

You can live your life debt-free.

It’s possible.The money anyone gives to you will only serve as a palliative.

But knowing how to release your own wealth changes everything.?

Hold your position.

You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature,

Patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work.

Be patient like that.

Stay steady and strong*5.

The seed is powerful.

The fruits are beautiful.

But if the fruit isn’t allowed to mature, it can’t be enjoyed.

Maturity is a life principle.

The farmer’s crops are valuable, but they have to mature for him to enjoy that value.

When he plants his seed, he doesn’t keep digging his seed out of the ground because he doesn’t see anything happening.

Similarly, many people lose ground on the journey of translating their self-worth to worldly worth because they don’t see anything happening immediately.

Just because you don’t see anything doesn’t mean things aren’t changing.

Hold your position.

When the thoughts of those bills that are already overdue come rushing into your head, you’ll be tempted to fall apart.

Please don’t.

Hold your position.

To fall apart is to dig the seed out of the ground which cuts short the process.

Trust me, you’ll be tested.

The voice in your head will tell you to forget all this ‘identity talk’ and face the facts.

The voice will want you to believe there’s something wrong with you.

You are not praying hard enough.

You are not working hard enough.

You are not holy enough.

There’s nothing wrong with you.

You are a seed.

Be like a farmer to your seed.

Keep encouraging yourself.

Keep being your best.

Keep a good attitude.

The results are coming.

They are not just coming; they are surely coming.

Hold your position.?

You Are Rich

God’s gifts and God’s call are under full warranty—

Never canceled, never rescinded.*6.

It doesn’t matter what people call you.

You may call yourself something different.I say you are rich.

You may not look like it now, but you are it.

In fact;?because you don’t look like it is proof that you are it.

God puts the big in the small.

He puts greatness in the overlooked.

Treasure in the most unlikely.

The seed doesn’t look like the fruit.

The mango seed doesn’t look like the mango fruit.

The pawpaw seed doesn’t look like the pawpaw fruit.

It’s not about how the seed looks, it’s about what’s inside it.

An invisible instruction, a power, that commands it to produce fruits.

That invisible instruction is in you.

It’s in me.

It’s not a suggestion.

It’s not a hope.

It’s not a speculation.

It’s an instruction.

You are commanded to be rich.

Don’t be ignorant of this instruction.

Don’t ignore it.

Don’t allow the things you’ve been through in the past or are currently going through distort it.

Remove the negative labels.

You are not who people or circumstances say you are,

You are who God says you are.

Identify yourself the right way.

You are chosen.

God chose you before you even knew what the word meant,

And he chose to call you rich.

Challenge yourself beyond your present capabilities.

Reach for the stars.

Like Will-i-am says,

‘Why they say the sky is the limit,

‘When I’ve seen the footprints on the moon.’

Hold your position.

The results are coming.

The crops are maturing.

You are rich.


NOTES Genesis 1:26, 28 (MSG)? * 2 Kings 5:1?(KJV)? ***Romans 9:13?(AMP)? **** 1 Samuel 16:7 (KJV)? 5 James 5:7-8 (MSG)? 6 Romans 11:29 (MSG)??


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