Will You Retire This Year?
Andrew Rutter
Author, Podcaster, Art Gallery Owner, Artist, Wine Enthusiast, Music Lover, Consultant, OBGS President.
As the new year begins and people return to work, many may find themselves asking this question: Is this the year I retire? For some, retirement may seem like a distant goal that they haven't even begun to plan for. For others, retirement may be just around the corner and they may be feeling anxious about their preparedness.
Regardless of where someone is in their life or career, it's never too early or too late to start planning for retirement. The obvious key steps are to set retirement goals, estimate retirement expenses, saving and investing for retirement, and reviewing retirement plans as circumstances change. This is where financial advisers play a key role as guides and coaches.
An important consideration is the type of retirement lifestyle someone envisions. Will they continue to work part-time, travel extensively, or downsize their living situation? The answers to these questions help inform retirement planning and investment strategies.
Another consideration is the mindset someone takes into retirement. Do you have clear goals for your life after your retire? Do you know how to fill your life with reason and meaning? What legacy will you leave to the world?
My recent book, My Future’s So Bright…I Gotta Wear Shades, is a practical workbook including 18 fun but life changing exercises, a signature goal setting tool, Planning checklists and Bucket List ideas designed and built for those seeking to live their best life in Retirement. It’s not about the Maths of retirement, it’s about the Mindset, the Psychology of Retirement.
Consider buying a copy for your clients, your friends or family who are considering retirement. It will help them define their purpose in this next phase of life, build self-belief to design this next phase, and help them build a roadmap to achieve their dreams and goals.
Links to obtain copies of the book are via www.ruttsy.com.au
Or you can simply go to the Amazon, Booktopia or Barnes & Noble websites.
I'm available to present concepts in the book to your clients. Please DM me if you are interested in me speaking at client events or conferences.