- You kept the Number One with a bittersweet sensation. Its first full week in streaming (25 Million Hours Watched, MHW onwards) was 15% lower than the first four days in release (29 MHW)
's Crime series is the only Original content within the 13 most watched of the week
- To find new entries we must go down to the 12th and 13th spots, where Perfect Match (8 MHW) and Full Swing are placed
- Notice that this week's Top-5 is, in terms of titles, exactly the same than the previous one
- Best holdover?is?
Disney Streaming
's Bluey (12 MHW) who grows 15% to reach 78 MHW in its 28th week. This is its best viewership data of the year so far, improving by 4% the numbers of the first week of 2023 (11.7 MHW). Bluey had never been in 6th place before
- If a week ago we were highlighting New Amsterdam as the best holdover, now it suffered the biggest drop within the Top-10 (-28%), although it keeps the 2nd spot and accumulates 84 MHW after 7 weeks playing
- Ginny & Georgia keeps being the most watched in 2023 to date with 169 MHW, followed by The Walking Dead (113.5 MHW) and Cocomelon (101 MHW). The three of them have been playing the 7 weeks since the start of the year
- Top-3 TV Shows account for 41% of Top-10's total hours watched, 6 percentage points less (-13%) than the week before
- In terms of streamers, #Netflix?reaches?77 MHW with 5 shows playing (-13% in hours, -17% in titles vs prior week) which translates into 55% of Top10’s total hours?watched (-5% in share)
puts 3 of its series among the 10 most viewed. Two library shows (South Park and The Big Bang Theory) join The Last of Us to reach 34 MHW and 24% share of all shows' viewership
's Romantic Comedy Your Place or Mine jumps to the Top Spot in Movies with 16 MHW in its first full week playing. This is 6% better than the previous frame, which only referred to the regular weekend. It made progress, but not strong enough
- The Woman King debuted at the 2nd place with 12.6 MHW in 4 days (Thursday-Sunday), the 7th best opening in 2023, 14% behind Shotgun Wedding (14.5M in the regular weekend of the week ending January 29th), 3% ahead of The Pale Blue Eye (12.2 MHW also in the regular weekend of the week ending January 8th). It lands at #Netflix 5 months (22 weeks/154 days) after its theatrical release (16 September 2022), in which it topped the chart with $19M during the opening weekend ($25.1M in the first full week) in movie theatres. The Woman King dropped 42% in its second frame
- There were two more new entries at this week's Top-10, the two of them 'library' and #Netflix acquired movies: 2 Guns ranking number 5 with 10 MHW and 47 Meters Down: Uncaged with 4.5 MHW from the 7th place
- Consequently, the three new films had been in cinemas. Even more, 8 out of the current Top 10 titles enjoyed a theatrical run prior to be available in streaming
- Only one movie performed better than a week ago. It was Your Place or Mine who, as we saw above, grew 6% to reach 31 MHW in 10 days playing
- Deepest decline goes to You People for second week in a row. #Netflix's comedy falls 54% in its 4th week in release, although it remains topping the chart in terms of accumulated viewership within the year with 64 MHW
- Wakanda Forever is just 1.9% below You People with 63 MHW in 3 weeks. The Rise of Gru follows at a distance with 38 MHW also in 3 weeks
- Top-3 Movies account for 50% of Top-10's total hours watched, 3 percentage points less (-6%) than the week before
- In terms of streamers, #Netflix?reaches?59 MHW with 7 films playing (-2% in hours, -13% in titles vs prior week) which translates into 78% of Top10’s total hours?watched (+3% in share)
Disney Streaming
puts 3 of its series among the 10 most viewed. Two veteran shows that show up again (Moana and Encanto) join Wakanda Forever to reach 17 MHW and 22% of share of all shows' viewership
Combining TV Shows and Movies, the 20 most watched content accounted for 216 MHW (-7% vs a week ago). #Netflix reaches 135.5 MHW with 12 titles playing (-9% in hours, -14% in titles vs prior week) which translates into 60% of Top20’s total hours?watched (-2% in share)
#Disney+ reaches 29 MHW (78% below Netflix) with 4 titles playing (+10% in hours, +100% in titles vs prior week) which translates into 13% of Top20’s total hours?watched (+18% in share)
Finally, let's say a word about Full Viewings.
- Most striking of the week is still to see Wakanda Forever keeps losing positions when listing by Full or Complete Viewings. This week falls to the 5th place being the 3rd in terms of total hours watched. It lasts 161 minutes, 19% longer than the next, The Woman King's 135 minutes, which, no doubt, works against it
- Your Place or Mine leads with almost 9 Million of Full Viewings (MFV onwards) followed by two of the new entries, The Woman King (5.6 MFV) and 2 Guns (5.3 MFV). The other newcomer, 47 Meters Down: Uncaged, would've had 3 MFV
???Remember!?Full Viewings indicator is based on guessing. It just pretend to imagine, based on actual viewership consumption, how many times the film would've been completely seen. Changes in the Top10 chart (vs Movies listed by Hours Watched) are directly related to each film's running time.