If You Remember Anything...

If You Remember Anything...

According to PerfectBrew.Com 2.25 Billion cups of coffee are consumed on a daily basis. Another graph by Perfect Brew shows that in 2015/2016 coffee consumption outweighed coffee production. Starbucks revenue in 2019 hit 26 Billion. Needless to say, coffee is a daily part of our lives. Even if you're not a coffee drinker your first job, or internship, will most likely involve you taking a coffee order.

Now that we set the tone for how important coffee is, and if you're a coffee drinker, you'll understand the severity of the story I'm about to share. My first full-time job in ministry was 2nd Mile Adventures. Every year we would hold a spring retreat. Guys getting outdoors, camping, and mountain biking while we create an element for them to engage with the creator and His Word. If there was one thing NOT to forget it was the coffee.

I can remember vividly the first morning getting out the coffee makers and then opening up the storage for the food only to find that I forgot the coffee. 20+ men and no coffee! There was going to be a mutiny.

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Thankfully I had a seasoned volunteer with me who jumped in their vehicle and quickly headed to the nearest town to grab coffee (the town was 20-30 minutes away).

All this coffee talk leads us to today's topic: If there are a couple of things to NOT forget in the discipleship process what would they be?

Below are a few things I encourage people to focus on as we walk alongside one another:

Trials of Discipleship

When we disciple we will face trials of various kinds. James 1:2-4 ESV teaches, "Count it all joy, my brothers,?when you meet trials?of various kinds,?for you know that?the testing of your faith?produces steadfastness.?And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be?perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Working with people involves patience, self-control, and peace.

  1. Patience means we allow the Holy Spirit to do the inner glorious work. The more we pray for those we're working with the more the Holy Spirit keeps us in step with the work happening in them.
  2. Self-control means we resist imputing our transformation on them or resist imputing the work you did with another disciple on them. We are all uniquely gifted and God has a plan for each of us. We fight our instinct to fix and rest in self-control for God to lead both of us.
  3. Peace means we are at peace with the process. We're faithful in what God calls us to do in this person's life. If we are a short moment in their lives let us make the most of it. We have faith in the moment not in what we want them to do and achieve - that's up to God.

"We're not here to fix people. We're here to walk alongside them as God transforms their lives."

Keep The Focus

Here are four things to remember that will help you walk patiently, self-controlled, and peacefully through the discipleship process:

#1 Discipleship is NOT about us.

We are stewards of others' hard work and generosity. We show up every day humbled by this privilege.

Read, Reflect on, and Respond to Romans 12:3-8

#2 Discipleship means people matter.

We seek after one another. We desire for them to have a relationship with Jesus, to be transformed by him, and to find purpose and assurance according to His Will for their lives. Psalm 119:136 ESV teaches, "My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law."

Read, Reflect on, and Respond to Romans 12:9-21

#3 Discipleship is about longevity.

This thing --> discipleship --> is not a thing we do for a period of time. Discipleship is a way of life --> our new life lived on mission for His glory.

Read, Reflect on, and Respond to Hebrews 12:1-17

#4 Discipleship is about laser focus.

We must not lose focus on Him who sustains us. Without Him, we are hopelessly and dangerously operating. He is priority #1 because in him and through Him we bring His love to one another.

Read, Reflect on, and Respond to Philippians 3:12-21

"God is at work in us and around us. If we want to walk according to the Holy Spirit, then we must participate in the work of the Lord."

Go Beyond The Article:

Read, Reflect on, and Respond to?James 2:14-26

  • What works does God call us to do? How is your life reflecting that work?
  • Do you wait for someone to create a service project or are you someone that sees something and goes and serves? Do you feel the Holy Spirit leading you towards people?
  • Who is someone you can share of God at work in your life? Take time to pray over this. Place a sheet of paper on the counter and let God lead you to write down this person's name.

Take time to pray over what you just read.

If you'd like to know more about how you can engage your community via discipleship please don't hesitate to drop a comment below and let's set up a time to meet! We can't wait to talk with you!

**Keep the Focus section titles borrowed from the CEO of Water for Good on creating culture. I added "discipleship" to the title and applied a discipleship culture approach to his headings.

Upcoming Discipleship Training

  • Spirit Formed Training in Winona Lake, Indiana is February 9, and March 9 at the Lakeside Chapel in the Village of Winona. Drop a comment below if you'd like to join us in person or via the web.
  • Book a one-on-one training in person or via Zoom, FaceTime, or Microsoft Teams. Drop a comment below to schedule.
  • Would you like to set up a training in your community? Drop a comment below and let's chat about it. We'd love to come and engage with you in your community for His kingdom!

Exciting News!!

We are working with The Ruwm church in Warsaw to hold a Spirit Formed training! We're excited to get to know the team at The Ruwm and work with them on impacting their community for His kingdom! Classes will be held Saturday mornings March 12, April 16, and May 14. Anyone in the area is welcome to attend the training! Drop a comment below for more information on how to sign up.

A couple of Photos from 2021 Training

Here are a couple of pictures from last year's training. Through training, we are opening up more training through nonprofits and churches and individuals that know a group they want to take through the material. God is at work and individuals are hungry to be the hands and feet of the Lord!

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