Are You A Reject?
Jessica Williams
Executive Consultant | Workforce Maven SNATCHING Careers & Breaking Salary Ceilings $7M+ Salary Growth in 2024 2x $100K+ Salary Negotiation Champ Fire-Spitting Speaker | Jobsnatcher DM 'Snatch' To Get Started
No, you are not a reject but I know you've received your fair share of rejections. The grit of job searching is not pretty, rewarding, or easy, a rejection is often a blow to the ego and confidence. This is your reminder that there is beauty in the struggle-seriously!
We all encounter rejection at some level of job searching. Whether it comes during the application process or after the interviewing stage-we have all been REJECTED. How do you handle rejection? Do you immediately delete the email or voicemail? Naturally, we are not designed for undesirable news, that's okay it is essential to growth.
I'm going to give you some game and teach you how to handle your next rejection. Grab your notepad and pen ish is about to get real!
LEVERAGE REJECTION TO YOUR PROFESSIONAL ADVANTAGE! I know this sounds crazy but let's squeeze this lemon and turn it into a lemon drop martini.
Here are 3 secrets to leverage your next rejection:
1. Ask the R.E.A.L questions to the recruiter/email respondent:
· Is the information in my cover letter RELATABLE?
· Are my performance metrics ENTICING on my resume?
· Is the beginning 1/3 of my resume ATTRACTIVE to the eye?
· Did I optimize the LANGUAGE to match your job description?
2. Create a new plan of attack, did you do the following:
· Send a follow-up email regarding the status to the availability of the position?
· Reach out to the recruiter/hiring manager/team member in the department for best applying tips?
3. Tap in with your accountability partners:
· Ask your APs to look over your career marketing tools (resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn) and be open to their feedback.
Admittedly, I am a reject and I wouldn't be as savvy or resilient without the rejections. I had to get FED THE F-UP before I decided to snatch my power back and leverage each rejection notice. If you take anything away from this article make sure it is your push to regain your voice and power in your job search-owning rejection and all.