You Reap What You Sew - How To Make Sure Your Actions Give You The Result You Desire

You Reap What You Sew - How To Make Sure Your Actions Give You The Result You Desire

Today I want to talk to you about a concept that I've been thinking about a little bit lately, especially with some clients that I've been working with about, which is you reap what you sow.

And more importantly, and more in depth, it's basically what you put out into the universe is what you attract back.

So how does this work?

More often, I'm talking to people who are struggling within their business. And then when I talk to them about the very things that they're struggling with, it's almost as if they are creating that struggle for themselves.

So for instance, people who aren't able to make money, but also who aren't willing to spend money. And that's a big one. They won't spend money on themselves to learn what they need to do, and yet they are expecting people to come and spend money with them. It just doesn't work.

And the thing that I've been trying to work out is why, why is that so?

And I've come up with a couple of different reasons that I want to discuss with you.

Now, this is probably not complete. I mean, I'm not a psychologist. I am a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist, but I'm not a trained psychologist. So maybe I'm missing something here.

But why is it that we reap what we sow?

Why is it that what we put out into the universe is what we often get back?

And I have two theories behind this and how they work together.

So the first theory is that our belief systems, our underlying belief system, which we are unaware of more often than not. We're unaware of a lot of unconscious stuff that's going on in our head. And it's that belief system, which is kind of like the mapping.

We think that we're normal, we think that the way we see the world is how everybody sees the world.

But that's not true.

We have a unique perspective on the world, which is made up of what we experienced as children and as adults, and beliefs that we formed around that stuff.

So we had this mapping in our brain and I sometimes think of it like walls that are put down and barricades and things that we're not even aware that are there. We conceptualize and believe things. And we think that that's the truth.

But in reality, it's just our belief about that thing.

And you may have experienced this when you're talking to somebody and you just can't understand why they can't get the bigger picture. And it's because they can't get the bigger picture because of their belief system. And once we form a belief, especially a limiting belief, our brain goes out to protect us even more by viewing stuff and interpreting things in such a way that it backs up that belief.

So when we have these limiting self-beliefs that we formed when we were children, and often their self-worth beliefs - they might be success beliefs, they might be money beliefs, or fears about different things.

We might see somebody who was wildly successful one minute and then bankrupt and bereft and maybe committed suicide or something the next day, now we have formed this unconscious belief that success leads to death. Okay, that's a pretty extreme example. But that can happen.

You know, I talked to a client who desperately wanted success. But on the other hand, she feared it because she knew that when she started to make the money, her family who had pretty much cut her off would come to her asking for money, and she was fearing the confrontation that would come from that.

See how that works. On one hand, she wants success. On the other hand, she was fearing something that would come with that very success. And that fear was what was blocking her from doing what she needed to do to have that success.

So we have these limiting beliefs and this unconscious stuff that's going on, which is what creates the mapping of our mind and how we work. And we're often unaware of these things, which is where our problems come in. Because we're trying to create something and our adult mind believes one thing, it's like the still lake, but there's all this stuff going underneath the surface of the water that often we're unaware of. And that's the reality of where our actions come from.

So often, if you've ever wondered why you're procrastinating over something, why, you know, for someone who's like a dieter who can't stop eating, like desperately, they want to lose weight, but for some reason, they can't stop putting food in their mouth, you know what's going on there? Something very, very deep and unconscious is going on there. And until they uncover that and release it, then they're never going to be able to get the goal of what they want.

Sure, they can have momentary success. I got this from Brooke Castillo, the Life Coach School - it’s like trying to hold a beach ball underwater. You know, you can do it for so long, but eventually, it's gonna pop back up again. So these unconscious things that we have are what forms the mapping of our mind and our actions.

We can be trying very hard to achieve one thing, but then very subtly, self-sabotaging ourselves along the way.

Through procrastination.

Through Shiny object syndrome.

That's a big one. People don't realize that that's actually a form of self-sabotage. They just think that they're on to the next thing, on to the next thing, on to the next thing, but really, shiny object syndrome stops you from concentrating on one thing long enough to actually have success. It's like, we try it didn't work. We're off and running again.

And I've been so guilty of this in the past. And even to the point where it’s not so much shiny object syndrome, but I would create and then move on before I was able to have success from that. To me, I loved the creation, but I never actually kind of settled in and worked with what I created and just went, yeah, this is it, this is what I'm creating.

So I had some stuff going on there that I had to clear before I could, and it was money stuff for me. Money beliefs that I've cleared recently that has allowed me to really have peace and to stop running on the rat wheel all the time.

So procrastination, shiny object syndrome, getting distracted, and then there are the energy blocks.

We basically just have these energy blocks. And I see that is almost like the energy that we're vibrating at. We need to be vibrating at an energy that's the same as the person that has had the success.

If we think about the quantum field, and quantum physics, and the fact that they're all limitless potentials. And there are all these different versions of ourselves that have already achieved what we want to achieve out there. Okay?

And this is all science, right? I know, it sounds very woo-woo. But this is all science, quantum science.

So the person that we are that has already achieved what we want to achieve is vibrating at a certain energetic level. And for us to become that person, we have to raise our energy level to the same level as that person so that we can actually step into them.

So energy blocks, things that are blocking us from being able to raise our energy to the point where we can become them. These are all sorts of things and unconscious beliefs that can block that energy, because they can stop us from being able to have the joy now that we're going to have one we have achieved it. And we need to have that joy now to be able to raise our energy levels so that we can step into that future you.

So on one hand, we have our limiting self-beliefs. And on the other hand, we have our energy level that needs to be raised to be able to move forward.

And that can be difficult when you're not having the success that you want to get a raise in your energy level and hold it high enough, for long enough to be able to have the shift. And sometimes it's kind of like we're like I'm holding it, I'm holding it, I'm holding it, because that's the way you feel, but you're not really doing it.

And for me, it was the case of surrendering. I needed to surrender and just let go. And I would surrender in such a way I think “Alright, I'm surrendering. How long do I have to surrender for?” And that's what I would find myself thinking. In which case I hadn't surrendered at all.

Okay, so that's the first thing - limiting self-beliefs and the vibrational energy that comes from that.

Now the second one is about that vibrational energy.

So whatever vibrational energy we have, we are also attracting that to us. It's almost like a magnet or a mirror. So if we have our vibrational energies at one level, then we're going to attract people like that to ourselves.

So for instance, if you don't truly believe that you can have success, then you can attract people to you that also don't truly believe that they will have success.

If you secretly fear money, then you will attract people who seek only for your money.

If you won't spend money on yourself, then you will attract people to who also won't spend money on themselves. And when you're trying to build a business online, you want to work with people, you want to help them, you need to get paid for that time, right? If you're going to spend a lot of time and commit to somebody and get paid for that time. So if they're not willing to spend money, then they're not going to be a client.

And yet, if that's what you're doing, if you're not willing to spend money on yourself to learn what you need to know, to learn what you need to do, then you're going to attract the same sort of people to you.

And that's frustrating, right? Until you realize that, that's some sort of limiting self belief in your head that is stopping you from spending that money.

And two, the energy level that puts you at the vibrational energy is what is bringing other people at vibrational energy to you. Kinda like a magnet or a mirror.

And it's almost like we get caught up in their story. There might be a lot of people that talk to you but for some reason, we get caught up entangled in the story of the person who matches our own vibrational energy.

Okay, so what can we do about this?

So I said there was two things and then I kind of blended them together. I hope that that made sense.

So one is our limiting self-beliefs, our unconscious belief, our mapping system, which is leading to our actions, okay?

And then there are our actions that dictate our success or our non-success, our actions or inactions, right? Our thought process and how we think about ourselves.

You know, everything that goes into there, it's so complex and subtle, and we are self sabotaging ourselves if we don't truly believe that we can do this, and we don't believe our worth, then that leads to our energy level and as attracting other people like ourselves.

 So if we want to be truly successful, we need to vibrate at an energy level that, one, allows us to become the person who is truly successful already, but two, attract other people to you that have the same vibrational energy so that we can bring them into our business and work with them.

So what can we do?

Alright, so if you've had this unconscious mapping system like it's one thing to think things through and to be able to work through them, and to be able to choose a different belief, and that works very, very well.

But if you're totally unaware of the belief, if you don't even know that it's there, because it comes from some memory from when you're still a child. I've got clients that I've worked with as a hypnotherapist where the memory would go back to pre-verbal, so they're not actually even able to talk. And that's always really interesting, because when you ask them a question, it's quite funny, because even though you're talking to the adult them, it's the child them answering through them, and that they can't answer you how they feel, because they couldn't, they didn't have words for it back then.

So some of these limiting self-beliefs formed when we were preverbal, little babies, children. They're not things that you're going to be able to consciously become aware of, because they're so deep down inside.

And yet that they are, they're almost like they're a weakness in the foundation, creating cracks within the foundation of what you were trying to create now, right? If it is your business, they're undermining it.

It's like, you've got a really brand new program, or you got a great new computer, but you've got this old software running it. And it's like the software that was created by the child, the child that was traumatized, and came up with all these ways to protect itself because it wasn't at a stage where it was able to work through and process these emotions. And it formed a shell of belief systems at that point in time.

Now, sometimes you might become aware of those beliefs. Sometimes, you become aware of the belief but you don't know where it came from. And often just being aware of it is enough to dissolve it.

Sometimes it's not.

You need to be able to release the physical manifestation within your body, okay? In the emotions and the feelings within your body. The physiological form of that, the psychological form of that, the emotive form of that. All these things often need to be released, they're trapped within the body, these things need to be released before this can be actually resolved.

So what do you do?

If you think that this might be you, if you're listening to this, and you're like,

Yeah, I'm stuck.

There's something going on there.

There's something I'm self-sabotaging.

I can't stop myself.

As an adult, I believe in myself, but I'm acting in a way that shows that I don't.

Then I want to invite you, if that's you, to jump on a call with me. I have a unique set of skill sets.

So one, I am a digital marketer. I'm an author, I have my own business, I can help you with that how-to.

What do you need to do to build your business online?

Let's work from the ground up through the research right up to creating them.

How do you bring people to? How do you engage them?

How do you move to sales?

You know, I'm a sales coach.

So I can teach people how to have sales conversations and bring people into the business. That way, I can create on the tech side of it.

So that's all one side, the how-to part of the business.

But on the other side, I'm an analytical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. So I dig deep with my clients, uncover these limiting self-beliefs so that we can release them. And it's not just about having an amazing business, but also about having an amazing life. And these things are often down there, they're influencing how we see life, whether or not we're able to express and feel joy, but also our relationships with other people. So when we release them, not only are we able to move forward in our business, that we're able to move forward in our life, and have a better life because of it.

I hope that you've got something out of this video on how we reap what we sow.

So if we have limiting self-beliefs, if we're acting in vibrational energy, we're going to reap that, we're going to bring people to us who are like us as well. We're going to we're going to attract the people whose vibrational energy we match with. And we're going to be dealing with the same problems and those people that we actually have within ourselves.

If you thinking that that is you, then jump on my calendar for a success session:

So jump on my calendar, if you want to talk. What we're going to do in that success session is basically have a look at where you are now, have a look at where you want to be, what your goals are, whether it's your life, or whether it's your business, or whether it's both.

And then we're going to look at what is slowing you down. What is stopping you from being to have these goals. Because these are often goals that you've been striving towards for a very long time and you know that your life is going to be amazing when you get there.

So let's analyze and see what's stopping you from having that.

And then we can see if and how I can help you overcome those obstacles, whether or not they're how-to, tech business issues, or what do you need to do to grow your business. Or whether it's something deeper going on inside you that we need to resolve so that you can go on to have that success that you deserve.

So I hope you jump on my calendar.

I look forward to meeting you very, very soon.




