You really need the Claritarium
Royce Blake
Major Market Radio Personality ??| Marketing Strategist for Small Business | Licensed, Certified, Marketing Coach |??Voted LinkedIn Top Voice
?You can only go on your Birthday.
For me, that’s only 26 hours away!
Then it’s “Claritarium time”.
Where I’ll be fluent in Japanese in two minutes and 45 seconds.
If you're from another planet, maybe you’ve never heard of the Claritarium. This incredible place is guaranteed to change your life.
You can learn pretty much anything!
For the right amount of Kudos.
How Magical is this place?
Just look at everyone coming out smiling ear to ear!
From the outside, the Claritarium looks like a small Hospital. Nothing too ornate.
When you enter, everything changes!
Marble columns, ceilings that make you crank your neck … and the AIR!
Rumor has it they mix air from the Alps and Yosemite.
Take a stroll around the floor (it’s encouraged) and hear tons of exclamations of… “WOW!”
So how does all this work?
To learn something new, you need Kudos.
The more Kudos you have, the deeper understanding of a particular subject will be yours.
The more complex, the more Kudos you need.
So, how do you get these Kudos?
Five “Thoughtfuls” getcha’ one Kudo.
A “Thoughtful” is something you do for someone (or an animal). Preferably without them asking.
Hold the door open for someone? That's one “Thoughtful”.
Take out the trash (without being asked) That’s one “Thoughtful”.
Do five of those, you get a Kudo. Lift a burning car…180 Kudos.
Donate a kidney, you get 237 Kudos.
So, what’s the “Price List” look like?
Want to learn Spanish? That's four Kudos.
Becoming proficient in Japanese? Seven Kudos (it's a bit more complicated than Spanish)
The whole procedure is awesome!
When it's your turn, you simply lay down in the “Cognition Capsule”. Think of a sleek white pod.
(which is amazingly comfortable by the way).
You put on a special “helmet”. It looks like VR goggles with a pair of headphones attached.
In just three minutes or less, the knowledge you seek will be painlessly transferred to your brain.
How does it feel?
Like a slow, wave of warmth from your head to toes.
Like being carefully lowered into warm tranquil water. Only better!
My time for learning Japanese will be two minutes and 45 seconds.
Want to learn guitar? One minute and seven seconds.
Of course, there are limitations. I had a friend get turned down. He wanted to learn everything Google knew.
They doubted he had enough lifetime left to accumulate the 2427 Kudos he would need for that task.
The variety of learning systems is utterly amazing! Physics, medicine to ballroom dancing.
If you want to learn it, odds are good the Claritarium has it.
Languages are big, so is music.
Remember though, you're gaining knowledge and nothing physical. The Claritarium doesn’t transfer “powers”.
If you want to play basketball like Shaq, you'll know everything he knows about basketball.
Unfortunately, not the “muscle memory” it takes to sink all those three pointers.
The bottom line is… if you want to learn more, be nicer to more people.
Thanks for taking the trip with me, Love your thoughts