Are you really as healthy as you think?

Are you really as healthy as you think?

Healthy food and exercise aside. Have you thought about how healthy you cells are or how well your body's cognitive system is functioning? How badly will you be affected if you were to contract the Covid-19 virus? Does your body process the healthy food you eat as well as it should?

Well, I can't answer these questions because I am not a medical professional, but I have been able to help friends and family who thought they were healthy to look after their wellness and improve their health. They have thanked me saying:

  • "I've not had to take Paracetamol every day over the last month",
  • "My hair has become so shiny and is not falling out as much,"
  • "Look how nicely my nails have grown."
  • "I am walking unaided without a stick or walking frame now."
  • "I can run 20% further, feel better doing a heavy aerobic exercise session and recover in half the time."

Personally, I was managing my health condition by controlling symptoms of my disease with steroids, and now I can do things without relying on prescription medication to enjoy living or recover from exercise.

Contact me if you would like to find out more.


