Are You Really Getting Referrals?
As a business owner in today's world, we do a lot of "Networking". I mean really, a lot of Networking. We're part of BNI, TNT, Networking Today (, just to name and few and at least 3 of the 5 days of the week are in Networking meetings. Why?
Great question. We all want referrals! However, are we really getting them? I have a friend who networked with another gentleman for over 3 years and neither of them had shared one referral with each other! Why? Because it's not natural! Listen, if I'm a plumber and talking to a home owner, I'm probably not going to refer them to a Digital Marketing Firm, right? So what do we do?
Another great question. What if you had a Power Team App and, as a plumber, you would ask the homeowner to download for free? Let's say you have 15 to 20 other businesses on your Power Team App. Now, instead of having to mention each one to the homeowner, you've done better than that! You've placed your trusted team members right in their phone! Now, anytime the homeowner needs something, he looks on your app. Wow! Each of your Power Team members continue to share your Power Team App and now you're getting referrals like crazy! Oh, and it didn't cost you anything to have your very own Power Team App.
Go to your itunes or Google Play Store and download the Knoxville Business Network Power App today. Then call me at 865-306-4625 and I'll help you design your own Power Team App, for free, to get your referrals going. Real referrals, not cold calls, not mass mailings, etc. Real referrals with your very own Power Team referring each other every time they are doing business!