Are You Really Fearless?
Before you answer this question, I think it is first important that we understand what fear truly is don't you agree? I believe we oftentimes combine fear into a category which it does not belong. Before you subconsciously say, "What do I mean"? allow me an opportunity to explain.
Well it is actually quite simple as are most things in our life but we as humans oftentimes like to overcomplicate the most simplest things yea, I am guilty of this myself. We like to over think and we become very analytical which can be both a blessing a curse. So back to understanding fear, what do I mean?
Your version, thought or emotion of what fear is may in fact be different than mine. Before we tell someone to "Face Their Fear" we must first understand what it is they fear. I mean come on would you tell someone, "everything is going to be okay" if you really had no clue? YES you would and that is the problem with society today.
We take our own experiences and try to compare them with another without first even understanding if they are the same. I can answer that for you, THEY ARE NOT. We can agree that NO one two people are the same yet we turn around in the same sentence and try to tell people what they should do based upon what "WE" did. To a degree that is okay but that will only get you so far.
Unfortunately, this is why professionals such as Consultants, Counselors and Therapist are oftentimes ineffective by themselves. I do not say that out of disrespect nor am I discouraging the use of either one but I speak this from my very own personal experience. You can tell someone what to do, you can write them a "How To" but are you truly connecting with the person you wish to help?
Do you give advice learned from a book or do you give guidance taught to you by real, raw life experience? I think both forms are needed but I also believe there are several giving both that only have one or the other. This is one great example of how having a Life Coach in your circle can truly be game changing to your practice or your life.
There are people amongst us RIGHT now that truly have a GOD given talent, "No Pun Intended" that can guide you down a Path AKA Process, AKA Journey of understanding. Those very people wont be "Educated" or have degrees hanging on the wall. Believe it or not, God chooses the ordinary Man with no particular set of skills and gives to them a Gift. Those very people were once broken and have since been remolded and given a purpose.
The transformation that takes place within those very people is truly remarkable. I have oftentimes heard those very people being referred to as a "God Send" I am sure you have heard the expression and maybe you have even said that to someone yourself, I know I have. Those people are the real deal and those very individuals make the most successful Life Coaches. If you want an example, Look at Tony Robbins.
I say all this to now revisit the the opening Question. ARE YOU REALLY FEARLESS? Fear in of itself is nothing more than an emotion which can be traced back to an event which happened in our past. More times than not, our "Fear" was given to us by our Parents. To face a fear means we oftentimes have to consciously say that someone we Love was wrong and that is hard to do.
To truly unlock your potential you have to take a journey back through time to understand to understand the "WHY" behind who you ARENT. Then and only then can you really understand who you ARE. That my friends is how you "Cut The Cord" and that is how you redefine yourself. Once you discover who you are, you will unlock the POWER of how to become what you want to be. You will become who you think you will become but only after understanding who you are not.
I made a post earlier in the day which made reference to the broken branch. We all have broken branches and that is okay. We are all imperfect striving for perfection so own those broken branches. You have to make a conscious decision of which branches to shed and which branches to nurture. This is apart of self development and what I like to call Mindfulness.
I felt moved to share this Nugget of information with you as this is apart of my Process. This journey is what I bring to the table but I am far more than a Life Coach and my words of wisdom did not come from a book. I bring with me my Center of Influence and the strategic partners that have helped me become the very man I am today. Success is yours for the taking but it all starts with YOU.
God Bless Your Family & God Bless You!
Jason R Loye
Do the Right Thing, even when No one is Watching!
6 年I was raised to run from failure; and that is just not how life goes.? It is when we fail, and sometimes fail big, that we learn the most? important life lessons
VP of Estimating DCG Roofing Solutions
6 年Great message Jason Loye. It is braver to admit fear than hide behind the illusion that you are not. You must give it a name if you are to conquer it. Thank you for sharing this.?