Are You a Realist?
Abby Havermann
Speaker?? Podcaster ?? Helping entrepreneurs, executives, and their teams trade sabotage and stress for flow and focus. Work with me 1:1??
You know that go-to sentence? The one we all reach for when we’re trying to convince ourselves (or often someone else) to let go of a dream?
It goes like this: "I am a realist."
What is “real” anyway?
If you were paying attention to The Velvateen Rabbit, you will know that dreams become real when we love them into life.
But our habit-thriving human brain likes to dupe us into the real mirage - that we are limited in some way, that we dare not dream for fear of suffering disappointment. Dreams, we’re taught, are dangerous to fully embody.
Didn’t just about everything that currently exists start out as "just" a dream?
Yet, the vast majority of us only dare to feel things that are solid matter. A boulder that can shatter a window is far more likely to get street cred than anything in our imagination.
This is what we’ve made real. This belief that one can only strive when the shoe-in victory has a clear and visible path. But to conjure a dream and waft it into the universe like blowing a bubble to see where it lands is a game only fools play.
What if the cement wall you’ve been trapped behind all these years is made of cardboard - a mere movie set? What if the quick sand you’ve had yourself in is really a giant pile of baby powder? What if all of the three pigs' houses can be blown down, even the brick one?
Might you be exposed to the elements and the Big Bad Wolf?
Maybe… but what if the wolf is imagined, and not your dream?
Don’t let anyone in your life determine what is and is not real. You don’t need anyone else to love you or your dream into life. You can do it yourself. And, I recommend you start because I’ve heard now is the new later.