Are you a real doctor?
Nick Fisher
Helping Serviced-Based B2B Businesses Grow Beyond Word Of Mouth ? We Make Your Growth Our Problem To Solve ? We Create Authentic Marketing That Sounds (And Feels) Exactly Like You ? We Have Fun Doing What We Do
Remember when we had no other choice but to watch TV adverts?
There was no Sky+. No Netflix. No fast forwarding. No pausing while you make a drink or grab some crisps.
Most ads felt like a chore.
An unwelcome interruption to Top of the Pops, Stars in Their Eyes, or Blind Date.
You watched them because you had to, not because you wanted to.
But, every once in a while, there’d be an ad that you actually enjoyed watching.
For me, it was the old Dr Pepper adverts.
Remember them?
They always followed the same structure.
Before cracking on a bottle of the cherry flavoured drink, the protagonist would ask themselves:
“What’s the worst that could happen?”
And within a few seconds of opening it, things would go terribly wrong.
One ad featured a guy getting squashed under an avalanche of the drink, before having to be cut out of his underpants.
When it comes to making decisions, we often ask ourselves that question.
We weigh the risk against the reward to try and understand if it’s worth it.
I know for a fact if you’re considering giving our Ink Emails service a try, you're going to be weighing up the pros and cons of it.
"Yes, I could bag myself a 2 year price freeze and 5 free emails, but what if I HATE what they produce for me?"
"What if they just don't get my tone of voice?"
"What if they send a couple of emails and all I get back is tumbleweeds?"
I understand.
It feels like a week rarely passes where I don't receive an email or Facebook message off some character promising to deliver me "an endless flow of hot prospects who are begging to buy from you".
Which is why (for the first time ever) I'm putting a 30-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee on our Ink Emails service for anyone who takes action and books a call before 3pm Friday.
No catch. No contracts.
Just CLICK HERE and book a call in my diary and, if after we speak and you sign up you decide at any point within 30 days that it's not for you...
I'll refund 100% of your money.
(Even if we've already written and sent your emails).
Now ask yourself that question again...
What's the worst that could happen if you don't give it a shot?