Are you ready for the Worker Protection Act 2023 to come into force later this year?
Helen Burrows
Raising Awareness of Violence, Aggression and Harassment in and out of the Workplace | Traveller | Baker
This act, which is an amendment of the Equalities Act 2010, will increase the protections for employees against sexual harassment within the workplace. For those of you who don’t already know, it means that employers will need to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of employees in the course of their employment, with a focus on prevention of this harassment taking place, rather than just reporting and responding once it has occurred.
This act is enforceable by an employment tribunal, which means that if an employer fails to comply they could face the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, and there will be follow on steps after this takes place, which could have an adverse effect on the organisation such as recruitment, partnerships, and consumer interactions. Additionally, if found guilty, the colleague who has experienced the harassment may be awarded up to 25% compensation uplift from the employer.
It is imperative that employers know how to support their employees and ensure that they create a workplace in which sexual harassment does not take place, by putting suitable measures in place. Alongside our work in the personal safety field, we are also the leading authority on harassment and stalking, working closely with employers to help raise awareness of such behaviours, as well as training relevant stakeholders on how to mitigate and manage risks across the workforce. This can be achieved through policy review and development, training and consultancy provisions in relation to mitigating and managing harassment and stalking, as part of wider personal safety measures, as well as direct support for staff who are experiencing harassment and stalking.
If you want to ensure your organisation is prepared for this upcoming Act, contact us for more information on how we can support you by contacting us at [email protected]
#Harassment #WorkerProtectionAct